Monday, November 27, 2017

November 29, 2017

Hey everyone, I am thrilled to announce that I am in the final stages of completing my new book entitled ""The Feather And The Sword".    The Holy Spirit has inspired me to share the powerful message of what I refer to as "The Divine Rub"; The Love of Jesus Christ and The Sword of Truth.    Many Christians and Church Leaders are doing a great job of bestowing the Love of Jesus on members of the gay community who come into the church today.  I respectfully refer to this as "the feather stroke of the love of Jesus".  However, what these same Saints are not doing is sharing the truth that homosexuality is a sin that God abhors.   This is the second side of "the Divine Rub" (The Sword of Truth).    If we do not share the Love of Jesus AND The Word of Truth with these precious souls, we are loving them right into hell.  These individuals must recognize homosexuality is a sin and that there is need for repentance.   If all we are doing is bestowing the Love of Jesus on these precious souls, and not leading them into all truth, then again I regrettably say, we are loving them right into hell.

In my new book I share a Phrase The Holy Spirit placed on my heart:


The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that there are three demonic principalities that have been assigned to The Church today; The Spirit of Fear, Intimidation and Manipulation.    It is Satan's goal to keep Christians and Church Leaders (Pastors) from speaking the unadulterated Truth of God.  He desires that Pastors (and Christians) keep from sharing the Truth in the Holy Scriptures that "may offend someone in the congregation"; or, the Pastor will alter Truth to appease what itching ears want to hear; or the Pastor will omit these passages of holy scripture in efforts to protect "the attendance and the "tithers" and avoid what may stir up discomfort (which is another word for "Conviction").  

The Holy Spirit has also shown me a vision of what is soon to come to America in the near future.

THE VISION:    In my vision, I was sitting in a church with a large congregation of Saints.  The Pastor was up behind the podium and he was preaching from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (where Apostle Paul is telling his congregants in the Church of Corinth there is a list of sins that will keep people out of heaven.   In this list, he shares that drunkards, liars, adulterers and homosexual will not enter the kingdom of heaven.)    The Pastor, in my vision, was lovingly sharing, in particular, about the issue of homosexuality being a sin.  Suddenly, the doors in the back of the church swung open and five men dressed in military uniforms, wearing blue helmets and carrying military rifles, marched up the center of the aisle; they were reciting an "addendum to the First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States of America (Freedom of Speech and Religion), and that the Pastor was in violation of hate speech and a hate crime (because he was preaching against homosexuality).   The Military Officer in charge handcuffed the pastor and they lead him out the back door of the church.   As they were leaving, the Pastor assured His congregation that everything was going to be okay and to pray.    I was sitting in the front row of the church and join everyone in silence and shock.   Suddenly, like sprouting weeds in a garden, individuals began to rise up and started applauding - about 30 members of the congregation standing gathered in the center of aisle and began cheering and declaring, "This is another victory for the LGBT community".   
(End of Vision)

I believe The Holy Spirit was revealing to me that the so called "violation" the Pastor in the vision was guilty of was  "Hate Speech" and "Hate Crime".   These terms are going to become the norm in America-- which means that anything that is preached from the Church pulpits in our nation that may "offend" someone who is living in these sinful lifestyles (homosexuality, adultery, drunkards, etc.,) (but homosexuality in particular with this vision), will be charged with a violation of hate speech or hate crime.   I also believe this vision indicates that there will be gays and lesbians who will be among congregations and will serve as "watchman" who will readily report when any Pastor begins to preach truth from the Word of God.    (Duly Note:   After pondering on this vision, I was curious about the blue helmets these military soldiers were wearing and I began to research and found that the United Nations military wear blue helmets.   So in my vision, this could indicate that the U.N. Military Forces were now playing an active role in what very well may be a part of The One World Government.)

Saints of God, we are currently experiencing a short season of God's mercy in this nation and I do believe America will still be judged for her Sin of Lawlessness (Sexual Perversion, Abortions, and so many other acts of defiance against God Almighty.   The time is fast approaching when there is going to be a shift in our government leadership and a new world order will eventually be established.   The day will come when Holy Bibles are outlawed and replaced with a One World Religion Bible; and a One-World Religion will be required in all houses of worship throughout the world.   Also, Great Persecution is coming to our nation, but rest assured that with great persecution also comes GREAT REVIVAL.   The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that a great revival is coming to The United States of America, but it will not be as many Christians believe it will come and in what form.   He has told me that "Revival will arise from up out of the ashes and debris of great destruction".    Revival will bring the refiner's fire to God's People -- The Bride will be holy and sanctified.    In great darkness and chaos, God's People will serve as "The Salt of the Earth" and "Light of the World" and many souls will give their lives to Jesus Christ.   

I am asking myself, how do I conclude this blog page after sharing such things, so I will simply say, "GOD IS LARGE AND IN CHARGE!   GOD IS IN CONTROL!    REJOICE SAINTS OF GOD BECAUSE HIS WORD TELLS US THAT IN THE END WE WIN-- THANK YOU JESUS!     

May Father God richly bless you all during this holiday season.   And let us all declare what the real reason for the season is-- The Birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   Have a joyful, blessed Christmas with your family and friends. 

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today in Jesus' Name!  


Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26, 2017

This morning I began studying 2 Timothy, Chapter 4 -- Apostle Paul was giving his final instructions to his servant and friend, Timothy.   As I read through each passage of holy scripture, I found one thing that stood out to me most-- Apostle Paul KNEW he was close to the Finish Line of Heaven.   He was aware that he was about to wrap up his final season (assignment) here on earth.  Many folks would debate on whether or not God lets a person know that their Final Season here on earth is coming to an end.   I personally believe God does speak to certain people about how they are now running in the Final Mile in the race towards Heaven's Finish Line.   

As I pondered on the things Apostle Paul admonished young Timothy with in his final instructions as he approached the finish line towards heaven, I began to question what advice I would leave behind to those individuals whom I may have had the privilege and honor of guiding, challenging, teaching and inspiring in their faith walk.    Like leaving a legacy, not of materialism or fortune, or a tangible inheritance (which we all should stride to do so if we are able to do so for our children and grandchildren), but what wisdom did we bestow on those God allowed our lives to touch along the way.  

I know I have little to nothing of great worldly value to give to my son as an inheritance, but I do believe, nevertheless, that I do have a legacy of my faith to leave as an example of how my son should stride to become more like Jesus Christ everyday!    As I have thought about the issue of leaving a legacy it has brought back fond memories of when my son, then age 11 years old, looked me in the eye and said, "Dad, you are always so nice to EVERYONE!"    Ever since I became a born-again Christian, folks have taken notice of my having The Gift of Mercy and The Gift of Exhortation (All Glory To God).   I love people and I always want the very BEST for them in everything they endure in life.   I know I've made a hill of mistakes along my journey, but I have also seen God turn those "hills of mistakes" into "Mountains of His Mercy and Grace"-- Praise God that He turns around what the enemy meant for evil for good.   I know God has saved me from myself (and the sinful nature I am working to overcome daily)-- many times.    I feel there have been times when I have cashed in on His Mercy far too many times-- but I am reminded in His Word "His mercies are NEW every morning".     This is not a pass to just keep repeating the same sins again and again.   The Holy Spirit is an expert on revealing to us how we can overcome anything that tends to try to cause an entanglement in our lives.    I praise God for all the chains that have fallen from my life and the shackles that have been loosed because Jesus set this captive free.   Amen?    

Apostle Paul was young Timothy's mentor and in the aforementioned passages of scripture (2 Timothy, Chapter 4) Paul is giving final instructions to Timothy because Paul knew he was fast approaching heaven's finish line.    I pose a question to you my friends!    If you knew you were on the last stretch and stride in the race towards heaven's finish line, what is the last advice or words of encouragement would you leave to those you mentor, disciple, fellowship with in your sphere of influence?      

We all should be living as if our tomorrow may never come and today is our last day on earth!   Would you be able to say without a shadow of doubt that you have run the race to the best of your ability and have been obedient to do the "assignments" Father God has asked you to do?   I know, for me, I make a sincere attempt to live today with the idea of fulfilling whatever Father God has asked of me to do in my daily walk with Jesus.      Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of my faith and I desire to complete every assignment to the best of my abilities before I am called Home to Heaven.   My personal prayer has been, "Lord, please allow me to complete the work God has asked me to do and may I be able to leave this world when you say "Jay, It's time to go home", knowing that I have been successful in advancing the Kingdom of God during my life here on earth.      

My friends, I pray that you always are found fulfilling all that Father God has assigned you to do and that Jesus Christ is in the center of every area of your life.   Live your life like today is your last day my friends.    Be blessed and be a blessing today. 

Much love, prayers and blessings, 
