One of my favorite parables Jesus taught to His disciples was the PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON (Luke 15:11-32). In the story, a father has two sons. The younger son asks for his inheritance and, after wasting his fortune (the word Prodigal means "wastefully extravagant"), becomes destitute. He returns home with the intention of begging his father to be made one of his hired servants, expecting his relationship with his father is likely severed. The father welcomes him back and celebrates his return. The older son refuses to participate. The father reminds the older son that one day he will inherit everything, and that they should still celebrate the return of the younger son because he was lost and now found.
Although, in my case, I am the oldest son--the first of four brothers, and yet, I can relate to the younger son's desire to leave home and see what the world out there had to offer. I didn't cash in on any inheritance when I left home, but I did disconnect from my family--in search of something that I would later find was always there--in the backyard of my childhood--The Importance of FAITH & FAMILY! In my wandering aimlessly, at times, I did manage to attain various skills that I would use in my 30 plus years of career in business administration. But I also found myself mixing with the wrong company and eventually knee deep in pig's slop. I had made a mess of my life and I believed I had fallen too far to ever be able to return to a loving father.
What I have always pulled from the Parable of The Prodigal Son is that the son eventually came to his senses and realized things were not at all what he assumed (out in the world and awaiting him back home with his father). I can only imagine the intense mind games the enemy was playing with this prodigal son-- "You can't go home. Your father despises you and he will NEVER take you back into the family again!" I know that when I was out there in the world, I too had many mental battles with what my family thought of me. In their eyes, had I become a complete failure as a son, dad, husband and brother? The Accuser of The Brethren (Satan) has a hey day on the Battlefield of our minds folks! He is ready and willing to join you and I when we tie ourselves to a whipping post and beat ourselves up over and over again. But praise God, that often what we presume and assume is not what is really going on behind the scenes back on the home-front. The wrong thoughts and our imagination can really do a number on our brains folks! This is why God's Word tells us "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5)
I consider what we refer to as backsliders; those individuals who have walked away from God for one reason or another, as the modern day Prodigal Children. And just as the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son celebrated the return of his son with a celebratory feast, I believe Father God does this as well--and all of heaven cheers for the return of one's relationship with our heavenly Father.
I want to encourage everyone today that it is never too late to turn from the world's influences and to return home to God and His plans and purpose for your lives. I know what it was like being a prodigal son and I praise God that I was restored--refreshed--rekindled with God's purpose for my life. You too can back home and know that God's loving arms have always been open and ready to receive you again. Placing a burning candle in one's window is a common tradition that dates back to colonial times. Candle light often evokes the warmth of home and family....The lit candle was also placed in the window as a sign of good news or as a beacon to weary travelers. I believe there is a symbolic "Candle" burning in heaven's window at all times as well. The Light of Truth will always guide the weary travelers-- to the warmth of Family and Home..
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105).
I pray that you always allow God's Word to shine brightly in your walk with Christ. Have a blessed weekend and thank you for visiting my blog page.
Brother Jay Hudson
I consider what we refer to as backsliders; those individuals who have walked away from God for one reason or another, as the modern day Prodigal Children. And just as the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son celebrated the return of his son with a celebratory feast, I believe Father God does this as well--and all of heaven cheers for the return of one's relationship with our heavenly Father.
I want to encourage everyone today that it is never too late to turn from the world's influences and to return home to God and His plans and purpose for your lives. I know what it was like being a prodigal son and I praise God that I was restored--refreshed--rekindled with God's purpose for my life. You too can back home and know that God's loving arms have always been open and ready to receive you again. Placing a burning candle in one's window is a common tradition that dates back to colonial times. Candle light often evokes the warmth of home and family....The lit candle was also placed in the window as a sign of good news or as a beacon to weary travelers. I believe there is a symbolic "Candle" burning in heaven's window at all times as well. The Light of Truth will always guide the weary travelers-- to the warmth of Family and Home..
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105).
I pray that you always allow God's Word to shine brightly in your walk with Christ. Have a blessed weekend and thank you for visiting my blog page.
Brother Jay Hudson
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