Thursday, August 17, 2017

I recently had a great conversation with a dear friend and sister in Christ and we were talking a subject matter that continues to stir my heart with urgency, great warning to the Body of Christ and something that we all should continue to guard against and that Apostasy in these last days.
In our conversation we began discussing a drug epidemic that is occurring in some churches across America-- this drug of the Christian choice, so to speak, is the addiction that leads a person to come to an altar call and they roll up their sleeves and spiritually slap their forearm in order to forcibly produce a protruding vein-- then they stand in front of Father's servant, whom the individual recognize has the Gift of Prophecy or The Word of Knowledge, and they demand that the person conjure up "a word from God" for them. They await the MAN-u-facturing (man's own efforts in trying to conjure up a Word as if they are some kind of fortune teller) and they eagerly await the servant of God to inject them with a needle that holds "the truth serum" - where they get a "spiritual rush"and once again their spiritual "fix"/addiction is met. .
Folks, I am not at all opposed to those individuals who sincerely desire to hear from Father because perhaps they have been praying for a while over a situation or a need, and now they pray and hope the Spirit of God provides them with confirmation or further divine direction. Praise God that this kind of ministering to the Saint is available - and always and only on Father's timing). However, the previous individual I described has no relationship with Father, he doesn't read His Bible, he has no prayer life and fellowship is out of the question because he is self centered and only seeks after his own desires - besides,, even if he did have fellowship with others he wouldn't have much to distribute in the form of positive exchange to other believers because he has no spiritual substance in his character..
These kinds of individuals really exist in churches across America. All these so called "Christians" seek after in church is what will appease their addiction. These individuals sit with arms folded and show little to no enthusiasm or interest in anything else in the church service- but when the Pastor gives that altar call, that person is the first one up there who's rolling up their sleeves, slapping their forearms and preparing a spiritual vein so the "Needle of divine truth serum" can surge through their spiritually dry, brittle bony veins-- which indicates they have little to no spiritual life.
In this same conversation, my friend was sharing with me about a couple she knows where all they do is church hop - they get up in time to get to a church's earliest service and they enthusiastically get into the praise and worship portion of the church service. When it is over, they leave, and go on to the next church just up the street and they experience the church service praise and worship again, and when that is done, they get up and they leave that church. The only "church" they get in a church service is the holy goosebumps and they dance around in the aisles...but again, when the music stops and the preaching starts, they are out the door and in their car and driving on to the next "addiction/fix" they will get in some other church. They don't get fed with the message a preacher brings to the service, they don't read their bibles, they don't pray, and they don't stick around long enough to fellowship and get to know folks.
These two aforementioned scenarios are sure signs of apostasy. These individuals go to where they get their itching ears appeased and they get their addiction to their choice of drug (altar call "Word from God" or "The rush that one gets in praise and worship"". These individuals want nothing to do with any truth that sets the captives free..they don't want to hear anything that is going to challenge or convict them in sins they may have in their lives...
My friend was telling me that these are the type of individuals who don't want to go before Father and get divine revelation from heaven. They want someone else to do all the work for them. This is very much like the Parable of the ten Virgins:
Matthew 25:1-13 (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
“‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
0 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Many Christians are like the five foolish virgins who are not willing to get out there and gather the oil for their lamps--they want to use the oil of the five wise virgins who had went out and "paid the price" for their oil. These five foolish virgins needed to understand that the "Oil" (the substance of what will sustain a person in the darkest hour as we wait for the return of Jesus (Oh come on somebody--this is for someone out there so please get this revelation "for such a time as this" in these last days). We must realize the cost of getting the "oil" is not something a Christian gets for free-- he or she has to experience the intense process that is involved as the olive (themselves) must be in alignment with the oil press-- a large slab of solid granite that presses down on that oilve and 5000 plus pounds of pressure must "crush" that olive-- have you ever been "crushed" or felt the "Pressure" as Father was drawing out that gift or Calling on your life? I have and the anointing "the oil" that comes forth as a result of our willingness to endure the olive press process comes at a great cost--enduring an intense season of trial (pressure) This is what these five wise virgins had done-- they didn't get their oil for free-- they had to personally endure the oil press process. There will be those individuals (and some of you already know someone like this around you) who will want to coattail on sharing in the "oil" that you have purchased-- they are the type of people who I call "moochers" or those who will try to drain you of your anointing oils because they are not willing to get out under that oil press and lay their lives down in the center of that so called slab (trial) long enough to even have the pressing stone come down on them (as the olive has happen)-- but if the olive is not wiling to stay in the :"Center" of God's Oil Press (hello somebody!) then that person will not experience having obtained any oil for when their darkest hour comes.
My beloved, we desperately need to trim the wick of our lanterns and be certain we have an adequate supply of "oil" because we are going to need it for what it about to come upon America in its darkest hour since its divine inception-- Americans have kicked God out of this once "blessed" nation and some will not be able to endure the darkest hour because they are not willing to gather this oil right now while there is still time to do so. They think they will be able to "mooch" off one of their friends or family members. But folk, in truth, you and I must have our own oil because even if someone would be willing to share their supply, it will not necessarily be the right kind of oil that your particular lamp requires. Even if you find you have enough "oil" in your lamp, if your lamp has a crack in the bottom of it, that oil will be quickly drained unto the ground because you have not assured proper care and maintenance of your lamp.
Let's break this down as the Holy Spirit gives us divine nuggets of truth and insight with this scripture as a reference: Psalm 119:110 says "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
* 1) The LAMP - is YOU-- you are the vessel that carries the "oil", "wick" and the "fire/flame";
* 2) The WICK represents your "intimate relationship with Father" which requires a continual maintenance and care. You and I need to not only establish, but nurture, maintain care for our relationship with Father;
*3) The OIL is your Faith, Anointing and your Testimony - all of these elements are combined as one-- You "purchase" or "receive" these elements because you have been willing to endure the "oil press process"-- in great pressure, Father was able to produce (squeeze or press out) the precious "oil" (resulting in faith, anointing and testimony - all of which are also desperate commodity for the darkest hour you and i will experience along this journey).
4) The "FLAME/FIRE - is The Word (Jesus) and divine passion (and compassion) - in this you have both "light for your path" and you have "truth" (serving the Sword to defeat your enemy along your journey).
You and I have been called to serve as "The Light of the World" especially in these last days when there will be literal and spiritual darkness all around everyone:
Matthew 5:14-16 - which reads as follows: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
My beloved, I believe Father is speaking clearly to His Children when He continues to encourage us through Prophetic words, dreams and visions in these end times. He reiterates our need to wake up, get into position and be prepared for what is about to come to our nation. Get this divine revelation of what the Spirit of Father is speaking in these article my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have ears - please hear AND for those who have eyes - please see. Now is not the time to embrace lethargic, lackadaisical, religious, rhetoric-- but rather rise up and be sensitive to what is happening around us-- may we all have a "relationship" with Father and may we not be found with lack of the much needed "Oil" like the five foolish virgins. May Jesus find faith in God's people when He returns. May we all be found in "the center" of Father's Will for our lives. Doing the Will on earth as it is in heaven....
May Father bless you and keep you in our darkest hour my beloved family and friends

11-1-15 J.

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