Thursday, August 17, 2017

1 sAMUEL 17 is a story we are all very aware of: it is the story of David and Goliath. The scene is set on the frontlines where a venomous talking Giant named Goliath in standing as a champion fighter on the Philistines army. King Saul and the Israelite army is very intimidated and allow this Goliath to spew out threats of intimidation and this has caused Saul's army to fear. So along comes David, a shepherd, bringing food and supplies to his brothers who are in the camps there. While there he overhears the conversations of how this giant is threatening to destroy the whole army of Israel and they also share what man who kills Goliath will receive as a reward for killing the giant. David, a young man, goes to King Saul and declares that He will fight the giant - so King Saul places His armor on David and David can't even walk around in it. This is the part of the story that I want to talk about:
In my past experience serving in the ministry, I have had others who tried to get me to wear their armor and I couldn't maneuver or walk in it. This truth is that you and I have our own armor and we must use the "armor" that God has given to us. There are well intended Christians who try to get you to face your giants the way they are doing it, but God has His own unique embattlement plan in facing the giants in our lives. When David removes King Saul's armor and he returns to his comfortable, familiar shepherd's robe, he then lays aside King Saul's large, heavy sword, and he chooses five smooth stones and he has his sling shot. David had several things going for him: 1) He wasn't intimidated with what Goliath was saying in threats, because David knew the faithfulness of God in providing him with the ability to kill the lion and the bear when he was a shepherd watching over his flock - so David and God had a working relationship and David was confident in God's ability to be with him as he was willing to face Goliath. Most of us know that everyone in the Israelite camp, including David's brothers, were making fun of David, but David ignored the opinions and negative remarks and focused on what God was requiring him to do. It's important to point out that David kept his focus amongst the jeers and negative comments that came from behind him. He faced Goliath and even sent back strong words declaring what The True Living God was going to do this giant. Even as David declared boldly what His God was going to do in bringing this loud, obnoxious mocker down, David took aim, with that one stone in his sting in the power of the Holy Spirit, he took aim and the Holy Spirit guided that stone to hit in just the right spot on the center of Goliath's forehead -- and yes, the giant fell down dead.
Several brief observations here: We will all face a giant once, twice or perhaps we won't be able to keep count of the amount of giants in our lives that need to fall. But regardless of the amount, God is faithful to give you the equipment you will need to defeat your giant-- all of them . However, you will not be able to fit into anyone else's armor - people will try to put their armor on you with good intentions, but we must approach these giants with our own armor - we cannot wear anyone else's mantle-- anointing. And we must do as David did in choosing his own weapon (5 stones and a slingshot)-- one that has been proven in past fights with the enemy when he was a shepherd in the fields. We all must reflect on the times when we have experienced the victories in other giants we have faced in our past: it could be drug addiction, sexual sin, drugs, pornography or just anger issues that would get out of control in your life. Only you know those giants in your life. The point is you have the authority in Jesus Christ and you have been given your own set of armor and the weapon choice that has worked for you in your past. Warning however, there are giants that are still in your life and you have gotten so used to their venomous threats on a daily basis accepted their existence in your life-- but in truth, you need to address these giants and get them to fall and then you can move on with your life. A backyard full of a collection giants becomes a community of day to day unnecessary harassment, chaos and constant threats. Get rid of them - Stand up against them In Jesus' Name and stand in the Armor suit that God has given you--not using someone else's because their armor has been designed for them.
In each confrontation with the giant, you must be strong and confident in what you know God has already been faithful in past fights and know that God will give you divine instructions on how to confront your giant. At times, each giant you face may be different and you will need divine instruction from The Holy Spirit on how to defeat that particular giant. Also, No one but you can wear your armor and God has assigned you your very own weapons to defeat your giant. Don't be intimidated but stand in the power of God and declare God's Truth when the enemy is spewing out negative threats and lies that at you. You and I know the Truth and we must stand on it. You know what victories you have already experienced in God and you know God's Faithfulness in your past warfare. YOUR GIANT IS GOING TO FALL!! And my beloved, these giants come in the form of harassment of demons in a person's life. These too must FALL.
There are so much more than I could share in this particular teaching but I will perhaps continue addressing this topic on a Part II Article. May you go forth in defeating the giants in your life today.
Be greatly encouraged that there is no giant you may be facing today (health, lack of finances, relationships, or spiritual dryness etc,) that WILL NOT FALL if you have the boldness, courage, wisdom and instruction from the Holy Spirit who will provide you with a strategy in how to defeat this enemy-- it may be a strategy that will require fasting, intercessory prayer, reading up on the Word of God and getting a particular scripture-- whatever the Holy Spirit gives you, BE OBEDIENT my friends. And Yes, your giants WILL Fall!

I hope this brief teaching will encourage some of you out there and challenge you to stand up against the venomous, lying giant that has been hanging around in your life. You CAN defeat that enemy once and for all. The Right Armor, Your Weapon you choose and the confidence in God's Faithful in past victories in your life. I love you all so much and I am honored to bring you these short articles and sermons. I hope you are challenged, inspired and educated in the things of God today. Have a blessed Monday everyone. 

10-19-15 J.

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