I consider myself to be an "authentic follower" of Jesus Christ, My Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Friend"(and in proclaiming this, I can only do this with the help of The Holy Spirit and my having, not "religion", but a "relationship", with Jesus Christ).
Do I always "color inside the lines" in my walk with Jesus? NOT AT ALL. In fact, if I was asked to draw a picture in crayon, depicting a scene of a house with its array of flowers and trees in the yard, and the sunshine in its upper right corner of the page, and a family standing in front of the house, my "artistic interpretation"would challenge how the average individual may draw their own. Even in my best attempt to use careful "crayon strokes" folks may not call it a masterpiece, but rather, a scribbled mess! Where others may color their sky as blue, I might choose a shade of purple or a smokey grey with the sunshine dispersing small diamonds, or maybe, in a moment when I am having a exceptionally good day, I may include golden flowers and rainbow trees, amidst a regal labyrinth maze, with its emerald glistened walls, in the backyard. I may intentionally draw my house as a "Castle in the sky" with grandiose towers made of opals and jasper; and windows framed with vines, riddled with a wide array of sweetheart roses, that alternate in colors, as a soft waft of consistent breezes gently brush against the tender rose petals amidst the vine entwined; and "A Glory Cloud" abides overhead and dances to an angelic host of voices lifting up the name of King JESUS in holy and endless praise (and is heard throughout the land). (Can you tell I'm an old fashioned "romantic" with a wild imagination? Like I said, I don't always color inside the lines! LOL

This aforementioned imagery does not come from a man who desires to be found in the conformity of this world, but perhaps you can sense that what I've describe, in some of my descriptions of "my castle in the sky" that I could very well be describing what heaven may be like. My heart longs for "home" and this is NOT my home! I long for the day when I will no longer have to carry the weight of this flesh-- the "shell that harbors my soul". For in a blink of an eye We shall be changed (transformed) (1 Corinthians 15:52). I am not a man who is willing to be the object of a "cookie-cutter", "dictatorial" "worldly mindset" or man's "government system that contradicts God's Law and what His Will is for His beloved Children." Even as a young boy (and a new babe in the Lord), I have never done what "is expected and/or considered to be "the norm". Duly note that even in my "self expression", any "rebellion" I may walk in during my lifetime, is solely my rebelling against anything that is contrary to God's Word. Am I "going against the grain"? ABSOLUTELY! Am I "swimming up stream"? or "standing my ground against the ocean's demanding tide?" MOST CERTAINLY! Can I do all of this on my own strength and power? IN UNDEBATABLE DISPUTE!
To one man, my "interpretation of life" may undoubtably be displayed as "ART". To another man's eye, it may be interpreted as "a scribbled mess that someone would crumple in their hand and pay no mind to and discarding it in the closest dumpster. To some, My depiction, of the pictures I would draw of portions of my life may challenge a Freudian mindset-- or become an interesting "case study" where every "brush stroke outside of the lines" would be judged or interpreted, not only from one's personal point of view, but from the paradigm that is established once a person subjects himself to the opinions of many others who are quick to voice their "bias" thoughts-- sometimes there are "voices" that attempt to serve as another mere "black and tarnished brass bugle" declaring twisted, "half truths" and unapologetic apostasy-- coupled with "smoke and mirrors" of "deceptive delusions" and "illusional lies". Do I see, with divine clarity, what is really going on "behind the scenes" in Satan's War Room, where he gathers his minions, and spews forth his Strategy of War against God's People? YES, AT TIMES, BUT ONLY IN THE DIVINE INSIGHT PROVIDED TO ME BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. (This is why CHRISTIANS need to maintain intimacy in The Secret Place daily -- renewing our minds with Word of God").
Duly note, there are individuals who are in rebellion against God and His Word, and who are greatly deceived in their allegiance to the Devil-- believing their "unstable loyalty"will somehow add, enhance and assist in launching Satan's plans to dominate this world, and campaign for the Anti-Christ's foolish attempt to rule and reign as a counterfeit Lord and King. Again, these individuals are greatly deceived and thus, this is the "Harvest Field" for Father's People.
But the aforementioned "deceived", I'VE GOT NEWS AND A REALITY CHECK FOR YOU SATAN:
You will NEVER have "THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES" --JESUS CHRIST-- who is "THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS"; and as you deceive men to bow their knees in allegiance to you, an "Angel of Light" and "The Son of Perdition", the Truth be known, in accordance with 2 Thessalonians 2:4, Satan, you are the One "WHO OPPOSES AND EXALTS HIMSELF ABOVE EVERY SO-CALLED gOD OR OBJECT OF WORSHIP, SO THAT HE TAKES HIS SEAT IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, DISPLAYING HIMSELF AS "BEING" GOD." Lucifer, you deceive yourself, because the day is FASTLY APPROACHING when "EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE IS GOING TO CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD OF ALL! (Romans 14:11). SELAH and AMEN!
I pray that I am ONE of MANY Christians ("Authentic Followers of Christ"), whose identity is not found, or socially deemed, with "Satan's Stamp of Approval" BUT our Identity (and Authority) is found in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). For we are individuals who refuse to conform to "the patterns of this world, but are transformed by the renewing of our minds and only THEN, we will be able to test and approve what God's Will is - His good, pleasing perfect Will" (Romans 12:2). SELAH and AMEN!
As Ambassadors In Christ, we are commissioned to tell everyone who is currently lost and blind about JESUS for He is "the truth that sets the captives free" (John 8:32). We need to see this dying world through Father God's eyes. If we do, we will see people and their lives from the perspective of God and His heart.
Behind what many perceive as "The American Dream", there are those who, although they do live in "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave", they are in "prisons without bars" and imprisoned in invisible chains"; fearful of the uncertainties of what America is becoming and how she is no longer reminiscent of The Blessed Nation called the United States of America. United? How can a nation whose once "claim to fame" has always been found "In the freedom of......" (The Constitution of The United States AND The Bill of Rights), but rather is found in bondage to the voices of special interest groups, liberal agendas, false religion and other gods, and the "rights" and "laws" of the land have been altered and so far removed and are no longer reflective of the Godly Principles our Forefathers (CHRISTIANS) declared; and the bedrock of "one Nation Under God" has been subtly and subliminally (and rapidly becoming blatant) in strong contradiction and opposition with Almighty God-- kicking God out of the Center of every aspect of this nation's core values and beliefs-- replaced with the worship of false gods, idols, self-righteousness, man's intellect, sexual perversion, the murder of millions of babies (abortion) like those who once sacrificed their babies to the pagan god called Molech (Leviticus 18:21; 20:3 &5; 1 Kings 11:7; 2 Kings 23:10 and Jeremiah 32:34-35) and pride.... All included in The Sin of Lawlessness; the very "sin" that God judged (and destroyed) the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. DULY NOTE: Contrary to popular and traditional belief, Sodom and Gomorrah WAS NOT ONLY JUDGED FOR THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY, but for what God called "The Sin of Lawlessness". (See "Lawlessness" defined below): America is now very much like these two infamous cities. If God rained fire down from heaven on these cities, what will He do with this nation that was founded on godly principles and was known as "the most blessed nation in the world"? We have regrettably turned away from God and there is still time to repent on behalf of this nation my beloved. Look at the City of Nineveh in the bible-- how they repented when Jonah was finally willing to obey the assignment God gave to him to go and speak the heart of Father! Nineveh repented and God withdrew His judgment and wrath on them. There is still hope for America! May we be found standing in the gap, on behalf of this nation, and by His great mercy, we too will experience His blessings-- but America, we have MUCH to repent for and we desperately need to allow GOD back into the center of every area of our lives. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!!!
In the New Testament of The Bible, "lawless" is a term used to describe those who knowingly, deliberately and willfully rebel against the Laws of God and man. The "Lawless" are people who despise and defy the Law. They refuse to be under God's Rule and God's Government, thus, refusing God's Word and His Will for their lives. They want to make their own laws and be their own King and follow their own way. The "Lawless Person" cries out "not God's Will, but My Will be done". (Note: This prayer is opposite of Jesus' prayer when in the "final hours", on the edge of The Garden of Gethsemane, JESUS fell with His face to the ground and He prayed, "If it be possible Father, let this cup pass me by, but if not, let not My Will be done, but let Your Will be done". (Matthew 26:39).
Looking at this world through Father God's eyes we might see the following similar scenarios:
(Not ALL of this scenario is necessarily typical, but sad to say, some American families can relate. Note: This slightly exaggerated scenario below is ONLY placing attention on the other side of a blessed life in Christ. I could also describe the wealthy and blessed side to "The American Dream", but nevertheless, in whichever scenario a person finds themselves in, we ALL desperately need Jesus and Almighty God in our lives to bring us true fulfillment and happiness.
(Not ALL of this scenario is necessarily typical, but sad to say, some American families can relate. Note: This slightly exaggerated scenario below is ONLY placing attention on the other side of a blessed life in Christ. I could also describe the wealthy and blessed side to "The American Dream", but nevertheless, in whichever scenario a person finds themselves in, we ALL desperately need Jesus and Almighty God in our lives to bring us true fulfillment and happiness.
What seems to be a fulfillment of "The American Dream", although some have known "the fulfillment of promises of great liberty and bountiful blessings", some have only known quite the opposite (some consequential to wrong choices, bad decisions and unfortunate circumstances and economic restraints). Their lives are only scenes from the opposite side of Behind "The American Dream" of "The adorable little house with "white picket fences" and "well manicured lawns"; In the following scenario, if you look closer, you will see a few missing planks on that "white picket fence", and the evidence of a lack of dandelions that CAN never be seen penetrating and protruding up through the lawn because it is "astro turf". Those flowers that once attempted to beautify the yard, in a closer inspection, are actually "Tupperware (plastic) Flowers" that "broken arrows" (rebellious kids) have targeted and stolen from the nearby cemetery. These uncontrollable tyrants are a product of adolescent parents, who find false appeasement and discontentment by anesthetizing themselves with street drugs, and alcohol they are not, by law, old enough to purchase and they are haunted by the fact that they were once toddlers who had absentee fathers (the husband's dad left him, his siblings and mom to pay the price for the crime of burglary (a 20 year sentence) and the young mother's father ran off with his secretary, leaving her mom, she and her sister alone to fend for themselves). This may not represent the circumstantial scenario of every American family unit and Praise God this is not the scenario for every family in America. Regardless of whether you are one of the "fortunate and blessed" or "disadvantaged and struggling daily", none of us can live out this life without JESUS CHRIST. Believe me my beloved, I have tried many other things in search of peace, joy and TRUTH. Everything I was looking for in drugs, sex and success in my employment never filled the one place in a man or woman's heart. Father designed human beings to be "spiritual beings", and He has always reserved that one place we call "the void"-- that one area in us that is NEVER complete (leaving us empty regardless of the "stuff" we surround ourselves with in attempts to "fill that void". Again, Father designed that one place in us for only one that can EVER fill the emptiness in us-- it is reserved for His Son JESUS CHRIST! SELAH! Come on my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ-- YOU know what I mean! Amen?
For anyone who thinks that we CHRISTIANS come across pious or perfect, it is the opposite (I can only pray we are a good example and representation of what it is to have made JESUS our Lord and Savior-- in truth, regrettably, there are some who give "Christianity" a bad name in their lack of the "Fruit of The Spirit" in their lives (and let's not even include the "Apostate Christian" as those who are examples of "authentic followers of Christ"). Folks, I don't claim to have it all together, and the last time I checked, I don't walk on water, and when you cut me, I bleed too. My being a "Christian" doesn't make me "perfect" or "better than thou", but, in fact, it is quite the opposite. There is no rughteousness found in me-- my "righteousness is ONLY FOUND IN MY LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! Can I get an "Amen" somebody? In truth, it is in my knowing that I've made a mess of my life (because of a lot of "bad choices" and "wrong decisions" I've made in the past), that has brought me humbly to my knees and has me continually acknowledging that I desperately need Jesus Christ in my life daily. The greatest moment in my life, even greater than the birth of my son, my marriage to my beloved wife Sue, and all of my blessings combined, was when I met JESUS and made Him the Lord of my life. I can't place a human value in the "Gift of Salvation" man has in God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The love and ALL else that is included "in the abundant life" I have been given in Jesus Christ, is invaluable--PRICELESS, because Father God gave US (all mankind) His VERY BEST-- HIS INVALUABLE SON, JESUS CHRIST.
There is NO ONE or ANY THING that will EVER compare to "HEAVEN'S GREATEST TREASURE" (THE LORD JESUS CHRIST). God's magnificence as "CREATOR" of Man and All Creation is matchless to any world renowned "Artist", "Sculptor", "Engineer", "Architect", "Poet", "Writer"-- A MERE MAN'S MASTERPIECE in "Mona Lisa", "The Last Supper", "The Statue of David", "The Sistine Chapel's "The Creation of Adam", "The Eiffel Tower", "The Statue of Liberty" "Mount Rushmore", or any of the many other "artistic expressions of man's attempt to "create in his piece of this "world". In TRUTH, it is said that heaven itself displays glorious, indescribable beauty" that man cannot begin to fathom. I believe Heaven's Art Galleries are displayed in the vast open fields of breathtaking flowers, trees and other vegetation, in colors like the world has never seen; the majestic mountainous ranges will far surpass those of earth; and "The River of Life" glistens like shimmering silver and blue and is unmatched by any earthly oceans, seas, rivers or streams; the brush stroke of God (The Master Painter) as He paints every stripe on the zebra (incidentally, every zebra has a unique, one of a kind, stripe pattern-- I find this utterly amazing!); every intricate spots of the giraffe or a leopard; and His exquisite eye for color in every feather on the peacock and butterfly; as well as the delicate and distinct design of every animal that abides in Father God's kingdom (and YES, I believe we will see The lion and lamb lying side by side; the panther and the gazelle prancing together in joyful Union and the cohabitation of earth's incompatibility of animals (the hunter and the prey) will be found abiding in peaceable love together. For all of us "pet owners" I believe we will also possibly see our family pet there (and if so, it is not because animals have "souls" like man, but Father knows every desire of hearts of His children). I also believe we will walk "streets of gold" and we will find our residence in the magnificent craftsmanship in every mansion JESUS (The Master Architect) went to prepare for His people, again, in intricate details matching the desire of each man and woman's heart. (Ie., if you love "Victorian-style" motif or any other style, then JESUS has this in mind when He designs and builds your mansion). In short, Heaven is filled with indescribable, unfathomable beauty and is tree awaiting he arrival of those who make JESUS Christ their Lord and Savior.
I have shared all of this simply to acknowledge that I, a mere man myself, CANNOT LIVE OUT THIS LIFE THAT FATHER GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH, WITHOUT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. As this world continues to spiral out of control with all of Satan's increasing evil and lies and deceptions, our ONLY HOPE IS and ALWAYS WILL BE....JESUS CHRIST, The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords. Make the greatest and wisest decision you've ever made (or ever will make now and forever) and ask JESUS Christ into your heart and make Him the Lord and Savior of your life, and you too, will be able to share with others "The Reason" why you are who you are-- a mere man (or woman) who is loved by the Almighty God, our heavenly Abba Father, who has given us His Son, who in turn, He (JESUS) was willing to die "once for ALL". CHRISTIANS aren't perfect, but forgiven and found has redeemed. The only way you and I will be able to enter Heaven is in and through JESUS Christ. The Holy Bible (Father God's "Love Letter" to mankind), tells us that "JESUS Christ is The WAY, The TRUTH and The LIFE. NO MAN WILL ENTER HEAVEN AND COME BEFORE THE FATHER (Our Creator (Maker of Heaven and Earth) EXCEPT THROUGH JESUS CHRIST". When you ask JESUS into your heart you "become a NEW creature and ALL OF THE OLD Becomes NEW 2 Corinthians 5:17). May Father's Children rise up and testify of just how good He (God and Jesus Christ) are; and how JESUS has changed your life. Folks are lost, lonely and are searching through many other vices. We HAVE THE GOOD NEWS so let us be found sharing "the truth" (John 8:32) while there is still time to do so. JESUS IS COMING BACK VERY VERY SOON! Go forth and tell everyone you meet about Jesus and share your testimony. Let your "humanness and need for JESUS daily be known -- be relatable because "such were some of you (us)" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). There are people who desperately need what we have IN JESUS! May you be blessed and have an amazing week my beloved family and friends. SELAH and AMEN!
01-24-16 J.
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