This is a powerful and strong Word from Father to America. I would encourage ALL believers and followers of Christ to read and heed warning to what is coming VERY SOON to America! My dear and precious friend and Prophetess, Glynda Linkous, recently gave a "Word" from Father that I believe is absolutely accurate "for such a time as this". I would encourage all of you to go to this blessed Sister in the Lord's and you can also find her on YouTube channel (texasauthor1) where she gives amazing teachings and prophetic words. Glynda is also an exceptional published author and I would encourage you to visit her website where you can purchase her incredible writings. Please take heed to this "Word" my beloved, for it is definitely "on target" concerning the regrettable condition of America. PRAY MY BELOVED AND AGAIN I SAY PRAY BECAUSE OUR ONLY HOPE IS FOUND IN JESUS AND THE MERCY OF FATHER GOD!

Nathan Herbold
***Strict Warnings from the Lord for America***
"Most of America does not believe My judgment is coming – here or in the hereafter. My heart is grieved for those lost in darkness, and bound up in sin by the enemy, deceived.
I am grieved they do not see My likeness in the earth and recognize the truth in My Holy Word.
I shall greatly bless those who lead lost souls to Me in this dark time especially. I shall empower you with a strong anointing to witness of Me even to those you have never met, and to those who will accept this commission, I will grant your heart’s desires.
Go forth, My people – Go forth and be My lights in your dark world – your brothers and sisters are lost and crying in the darkness. They seek truth, but know not where to find it.
Oh America, America, the nation once so bright for My Name, you have sealed your fate with your wicked ways, and the days left for you are numbered.
Then horrors shall fill your streets. The dead will outnumber the living, and the sounds of war will fill the ears of your people. As you have trampled over others, so shall your enemies now trample over you.
Your people shall rummage for food, where once it was abundant. They will thirst for pure water, because they have rejected Me, the living water. They shall cry for mercy but find none, as they have shown none to My people.
Prepare to meet your fate, America.You have been weighed, and found wanting. Your reign of power has come to its end.
Will you go for Me?
The pangs of America’s demise have begun. Your nation was once a great joy to Me, and to its people, but no more, for she has chosen to mock Me. Now I shall laugh at her derision, and at her calamity.
The pangs of America’s demise have begun. Your nation was once a great joy to Me, and to its people, but no more, for she has chosen to mock Me. Now I shall laugh at her derision, and at her calamity.
Her calamities shall be many for she is, even now, being quietly invaded by her enemies. The rumblings of war shall be heard in her streets, and there will be much bloodshed in this country. As she has shed the blood of others, now shall she also bleed.
She will suffer disaster after disaster, each one leaving her weaker, until at last she can no longer fight, and so shall her light be extinguished. So shall she be left desolate.
The soon coming storm is a storm within another storm. This nation (America) was once faithful to its God. You followed in My ways, you desired to please Me.
The soon coming storm is a storm within another storm. This nation (America) was once faithful to its God. You followed in My ways, you desired to please Me.
But now, the hoary heads have come home to Me, few are left, and this nation has abandoned its God, and My Ways have been cast aside, called old fashioned, weak, and intolerant.
I still have a people in America, a people who stands tall and walks in My ways, but My people are few. A great body of lukewarm ones walks in America now, who are ashamed to call Me Lord, who are ashamed of My ways, and My holy Name.
Beware, you lukewarm ones. When the storm arrives, there will be no help for you! Only My children who walk as My children shall be protected. Only they know the secret place of their Most High God.
The storm is inescapable – all on earth shall be caught in it.
Prepare, My children.
Thousands of souls lost in one hour in America. Disaster is coming to America. Repent, children, repent! For you know not when it comes, or how. Repent! Share My saving gospel with all those you know who know Me not, for time is very short for many, and there will be no second chance, for they shall be taken suddenly, and without warning.
Thousands of souls lost in one hour in America. Disaster is coming to America. Repent, children, repent! For you know not when it comes, or how. Repent! Share My saving gospel with all those you know who know Me not, for time is very short for many, and there will be no second chance, for they shall be taken suddenly, and without warning.
I have told you that you live in very perilous times, My Children, and it is so, but these times are so much more perilous for those who remain unsaved. Seeking worldly pleasures, they deny Me, and think there is much time, but it is not so.
Lift up prayers for them today, children, for many shall soon be taken very suddenly with no remedy. Pray, that I may save some of them this day.
Soon My children, an event will happen in America that will shake the people up. My people will be shaken, too, only so far as they are away from Me in some area. (the impression I got here was only in areas you are not trusting Him in)
The lost will be shaken to the core, and those with softer hearts will seek Me then.
Life shall go on “as normal” for a time in this nation, but then I shall move swiftly in judgment. My judgments are righteous, My children, do not think otherwise.
When what you see seems harsh to you, remember I am a holy God. I have warned and begged this nation (America) to repent again and again and again, and My Word has fallen on deaf ears. The wicked have walked on, and now trample My people who are called by My Name, and this I shall not ignore.
I always show mercy to the merciful. My people who are merciful need not fear. I will judge the wicked swiftly, for still they defy Me, continuing in their filth. They will indeed know that I AM the mighty Jehovah, and they shall see My mighty power!
A storm comes to America, a storm that has been brewing for some time now, and I AM in the storm. My judgment is in this storm. This storm comes in response to the stench of evil that rises up to Me each day from that wicked nation – once beautiful to Me – that has turned from and defied Me in every way.
Pray now for your lost loved ones, My children, especially those who abide there, for America shall fall, and great will be the fall of it. In one day her judgment will come, and I shall take away her power utterly. From that day, she will know only weakness, and she herself will cry for mercy, as so many others have cried for mercy before her powers of war.
It is My power that does this. I AM the Lord.
Prepare – prepare for how you will minister to them for Me, for My shaking is coming to this nation and it will be bigger than before, for I desire to have their attention. At present, the Evil One has their attention and they fear not what I might do to them. They do not think on eternity or believe in damnation. They believe not My Word, so they do not seek My face.
When this shaking takes place, do not fear, My children, but go immediately into your prayer closets and pray for these lost ones. Pray that this urgency would increase and they would seek Me with all their hearts, that I might save them.
It is a time of sadness in the earth as this age is ending, and a new age of fiery trials has begun. You see the wicked rejoice around you, but do not envy them, My children, for their end is sure. Their end is destruction unless they turn from their wicked ways.
It is a time of sadness in the earth as this age is ending, and a new age of fiery trials has begun. You see the wicked rejoice around you, but do not envy them, My children, for their end is sure. Their end is destruction unless they turn from their wicked ways.
Prepare ye now for the glory of My Kingdom. No longer shall you read of what is to come, you shall see it happen around you.
The time of the end is at hand for all scripture to be fulfilled."
-Glynda Linkous
01-25-16 J.
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