Thursday, August 17, 2017

For quite some time the Holy Spirit of God has been really speaking to my heart concerning the Apostasy that is taking place among the Christians today. Apostasy is defined as "the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)". The Bible speaks of a great falling away of Christians in the last days. When I think of this definition and the reality of a "great falling way" I immediately am drawn to the reality that there are many Christians who are now embracing and supporting the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, transgender) group (The Homosexual lifestyle). I know of many close friends that I have recently discovered who are in full support of this militant homosexual group and they even now garnish the "rainbow screen" over their profile photos on their websites. These are Christians whom I personally have grown up in Christ with-- some of these individuals were witness to my coming out of the gay lifestyle back in 1988 and they joined in celebrating my deliverance.
Even one girl, whom I wish to remain nameless, was the girl who boldly came up to me when I was in the homosexual lifestyle and said, "You are know you are going to hell if you are gay!" God used this particular girl to open my eyes to the reality that homosexuality is a sin and that I needed to be delivered from the sin, and ask Jesus Christ into my heart. Now, years later, she is married and has a beautiful family and she and her husband proudly support "gay pride" and the LGBT. My question is "How can you be a Christian and know what God's Word says about homosexuality being a sin that God abhors -- that is an abomination and those that practice such sexual perversion will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven and completely support and encourage those who are in the very lifestyle that will never get them into heaven?" Don't these so-called Christians realize they are leading these precious souls to the cliffs above Hell and helping to shove them over and into the pit in Hades? These so-called Christians are no longer serving the one True God if they are doing these things. They are not adhering to our heavenly Father's Word- but rather they are submitting to their other father - The Father of Lies.
The last time I checked God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He didn't one day decide that the gay or lesbian was a good person who was just trying to live in equality in society-- who often does serve well in being productive, good citizens and has as much of an ability to love as any human does. No, God tells us in His Word that "He loves the sinner but He despises the sin" (Romans 5:8) God doesn't hate the sinner folks but he despises the sin of homosexuality because He knows the devastation and the abomination of living in this lifestyle. As a former homosexual, I struggled with many dangerous issues-- elicit drug use (Cocaine) and alcohol. Sexual encounters with multiple partners who could have been easily infected with an invisible disease called AIDS, not to mention depression, low self esteem, suicidal tendencies and the real and raw side of what really happens in the sexual encounters that folks don't talk about in public. I can hear some of you say "well, Jay, you were just a basket case and can't blame the lifestyle on your issues of low self-esteem and dissatisfaction that could have lead you to suicidal tendencies? I never had these issues until I decided to live my life as a gay man -- these things manifested through various abusive circumstances and in my allowing myself to indulge in a lifestyle that began as something fun and glamorous but quickly turned very dark and evil.
Many times gays and lesbians chose to experiment with worshipping false gods and false religion (Metaphysics, Buddhism, and some even Satanism). Not everything they portray to the public is a lifestyle of either normalcy like any other hetereosexual couple, or a glamour shot surrounded by an exciting and fulfilling lifestyle.
As a gay man I was surrounded by luxury- the porsche, the swimming pool and the beautiful house, the latest fashions, and basically was living life and having a blast doing it. The drugs became more prevalent in my life and eventually became a serious problem. I saw way too many underground parties and things that go on in the dark that you don't speak of in the light. But God sees everything that is done is secret and He will one day bring it all into the light of truth.
Now that I am a born-again Christian I clearly see the truth and it grieves my heart to see so many great people with the best intentions of wanting to belong - to be recognized as different and yet the same as everyone else. But in truth, gays and lesbians are different because some know that the homosexual lifestyle is not God's best for their lives.
I know of one particular girl who was raised Christian all of her life and one day in college she met her significant other and the two were married. This girl KNOWS what the Bible says about the sin of homosexuality and yet she has made the choice to shut her eyes to this truth. Instead she presses forward in justifying her choice of lifestyle because she genuinely loves her partner and I know there is a deep seeded struggle within because I had the very same war going on in myself because I too was raised a Christian and in every relationship I was in deep inside when all was quiet in the bedroom at night I would lay there and know it was wrong.
For the true Christian, we must safeguard and protect our Salvation and our faith. We must not compromise the Word of God ever. The end time church will include a great falling away of Christians who walk away from the Word of God and they will gather in multitudes to churches where Pastors are only preaching what itching ears want to hear. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine ... they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3). This is happening right now and there are Pastors who preaching on popular "feel good" messages. This is why there are mega churches like Joel Osteen who preach only on the blessings of God and how much He wants to bless His people. Where are all of the Pastors who are going to remind the congregants about a place called hell and about SIN - particularly the sin of homosexuality. They are cowards who are afraid to "offend" members of their congregation- well perhaps it is time to OFFEND some people - stir them up and speak forth the RAW, UNADULTERATED TRUTH OF GOD - These Pastors will be required to give an account to God for misleading the people and for compromising, watering-down the Word of God. I pray for these pastors that they may awaken from this delusional lull and get back on track and preach exactly what God says about the issues of sin in our lives. A pastor needs to encourage his congregants to get their lives right - for judgment begins in the House of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17). Woe to the Pastor or any church leader who is not found leading the people into the truth that sets the captives free. Woe to the Pastor or church leader who is supporting the LGBT and not pointing these individuals to the need to repent for the sin of homosexuality. Woe to the Pastor or church leader who is found compromising, watering-down the Word of God, or deleting portions of the Word of God (choosing to ignore addressing what God's Word really says about issues such as homosexuality).
God has placed a very heavy CALL on my life to address these issues and I will go forth and do so as the Holy Spirit opens the doors and when God says GO AND GET MY PEOPLE, in His power, boldness, courage and strength I WILL GO!

May God have mercy on The Body of Christ for there are many spots, wrinkles and blemishes on The Bride - we are a mess folks. Pray like never before and please don't find yourself living in apostasy. Selah! 

08-05-15 J.

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