In my time in The Secret Place today, before Abba Daddy, I came with a heavy and grievous heart for America. As I began to share what so deeply troubled and concerned me about the Sin of Lawlessness in this nation, I strongly sensed that His heart was broken over the same issues (and much more). I couldn't begin to fully imagine or fathom the overwhelming pain and sorrow He must experience as He views the entire world and sees so many "lost and wandering souls" who have not yet accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. He sees as His eyes view the entire world; with all of Its sexual perversions, worship of false gods, pride, covetousness, adulterers, drunkards, famine, disease, wars, pestilences, and the results of so many "natural disasters" (tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and more). Then there is the "hidden", "unconfessed" sins of some of His children (Christians). Father God's Children, the Christians, are struggling with "hidden sin" they are ashamed of and feel they have no one to turn too; no "safe haven" and especially not "The Church", because, they oftentimes feel the worst "judgmental attitudes" come from their own brethren. This should not be the case my beloved.
The Bible tells in James 5:6 "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective".
I have discovered that anything that disturbs or troubles us and causes a combination of "deep-seeded compassion" and a "righteous anger", multiply that feeling thousands of times over and you and I will still not be able to fathom Father God's broken heart as He sees the horrific havoc and devastation that Satan (and the sinful nature of man) causes mankind. Our Creator, EL EYON, weeps for He desires " ...that none would perish, but everyone would come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
I want to encourage ALL of Abba Father's Children to stop and just let Him know how much you love Him. Thank Him for His faithfulness to His Promises and for the renewed mercies every morning; for His Amazing Grace, unfathomable patience with a rebellious people, and for having so much LOVE for mankind He gave us "His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life". (John 3:16).
May Father God bless and keep you all in His tender care throughout this Memorial Day Weekend. May every American reflect on the great sacrifices TOO MANY of our men and women in the Armed Forces have made for the sake of this Nation's many FREEDOMS throughout America's history. May NO man, woman or child EVER bring dishonor or irreverence to what "Old Glory", The American Flag, represents. The RED which signifies "hardiness and valor"; The WHITE which signifies "purity and innocence"; and The BLUE which signifies "vigilance, perseverance and justice". May we NEVER forget the shed blood of every soldier, who gave his or her life on and off the battlefield(s), so we could have The Liberties and Rights we share in this blessed nation called The United States of America. God bless EVERY man and woman who has served and is currently proudly serving our country in both war and peacetime. WE LOVE YOU!! YOU CONTINUE TO MAKE US PROUD!

Father God, for those currently serving America, please watch over our brave soldiers and their families and provide ALL of their needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. I pray that You charge Warrior Angels, Guardian Angels, and Ministering Angels over each and everyone of them In Jesus' Name. Amen! Father God, PLEASE CONTINUE TO BESTOW YOUR LOVING MERCY AND GRACE ON THIS NATION! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
SELAH and Amen!
05-27-16 j.
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