My beloved, as I spend time in prayer for America, there are a few questions that seem to continue to swirl around in my mind. So I thought I would share these contemplations, with a curiosity of whether or not I am the only one who has such questions: Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments

1). How effective are our soldiers on the battlefield, if they have been downsized in numbers, and are their arms tied behind their backs due to military regulatory restraints?
2). How secure is "America's Homeland Security" when our President has opened our borders and is allowing Syrian refugees and other illegal aliens into our nation? (Are members of radical Muslim terrorist groups (i.e., ISIS) being allowed in amidst "the refugees"?)
DULY NOTE: It was recently reported by, that out of 1,037 Syrian refugees admitted in May: Two Christians, 1,035 Muslims! REALLY?).
3). Does anyone else believe our president is NOT Christian, but rather, MUSLIM and he has a "Muslim Agenda" in allowing so many Muslims into the United States -- and having our president make the statement that "America is no longer a "Christian Nation"? As an American Christian, this particular statement infuriates me and I refuse to worship any other gods but EL EYON -- Almighty God and Creator!
4). Does anyone else feel as if America is on a "sinking ship" and it is slowly taking on waters more and more by the weight of Its' Sin of Lawlessness? or Is the USA is profusely struggling in Its' attempt to balance on an extremely dangerous "high wire" as every other nation is watching with bated breath?
5). Does anyone else hear the "mockers and scoffers" from the other nations, as they unite, in calling America "the laughing-stock of the world"?
6). Are there any other concerned Americans who believe our president has sold our nation's sovereignty and he is not finished yet with His Executive Orders! (I.e., with no fanfare and "without the vote of Congress, our President signs ANOTHER "Executive Order" that requires "Transgenders" to choose which restrooms these individuals would like to use". NOTE: This is only one topic among a much larger issue with the empowerment being given to the LGBT organization. When do we stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?
7). Does anyone else hope and pray that America's "Mighty Lion's Roar of Fierceness" hasn't turned into a "nonthreatening kitten's meow" due to our president reducing our military strength?
8). Is America still a "super power" with the reputation of being the strongest military force in the world?
9). Does anyone else see our nation as "Unrecognizable" to what our Forefathers originally had in mind when they founded America on godly principles and not on sexual perversion, abortions, false gods, apostasy, greed, pride and covetousness -- and all other "violations against Father God" that is included in "The Sin of Lawlessness"?
My beloved, I know I am not alone when I say that America is sailing in deep and dangerous waters and we MUST "turn the ship around" because I believe the direction we are heading in as a society (and nation) may lead us into destruction and devastation, for God will not be mocked and He will punish the wicked for their blatant sin and offenses against His Word! We MUST humbly ask God (EL EYON) to forgive us -- Christians must stand in the gap on behalf of America; and once again for Him be in the center of ALL of America's Affairs-- in His Supremacy as The One True Living God!
I pray this "article" is challenging your understanding and Paradigm of just a few questions that I hope stirs up an "awakening" and ultimately will have ALL Christians uniting as one voice -- The Voice of TRUTH!
May Father God have mercy on America!
May Father God have mercy on America!
06-02-16 J.
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