Thursday, August 17, 2017

My beloved brethren, Father has graciously continued in attempts to encourage His People to rise up and take their position "For such a time as this". "Taking your position" means to be free from whatever has kept you from being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit; your job, bad habits, wrong relationships, "religion" versus "relationship", or anything else that keeps you from standing in "obedience", "availability" and "readiness" in these last days. With this being said, in my time of study tonight, Father directed me to the Story of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)-- an example of a man of God who was not in his God-ordained "position" and who was not discerning "the season". In his "being in the wrong place at the wrong time", the enemy sets the scene for a series of sinful choices and decisions--one lie to cover another lie--all resulting in an adulterous affair, murder and death of a baby. Sin always inspires a sequential vicious and lethal "dominoes effect"; tumbling profusely into what began as "ONE SEASON of displacement and lack of discernment" and results in individuals experiencing "SEASONS" of heartache, regret and consequences to sin.
Please read this important example of when a child of God is not in the "position" and does not recognize "the season" "for such a time as this". I pray you are inspired, encouraged and challenged in being obedient and getting into the center of Father's Call (Will) for your life--and to recognize the reality of what is happening in these last days (The season we are living in today). Selah!
Short Synopsis: King David remains in the Palace instead of taking his place on the "battlefield" during the time of war. As he "wanders" about, he finds himself in a "position" on a balcony, where he is able to see, in full view, an "immodest temptress" named Bathsheba, who is bathing on the rooftop, in close vicinity with "The King's Palace". David finds himself sexuallly enticed with Bathsheba, a married woman, whose husband, "Uriah, The Hittite", is currently serving in the King's army--on the very battlefield, in which King David should have been. He sends for Bathsheba and they share in an adulterous affair and she becomes pregnant. She lets King David know of this reality and David adds another sinful choice to cover up his shameful sin of adultery-- he orders Uriah, the Hittite, to come home for a visit from the battlefield--hoping Uriah will spend the night with his wife, and in doing so, his wife's pregnancy will be accredited to their intimate time spent together. But Uriah, the Hittite, does something unexpected, and he sleeps outside of his home and does not sleep with his wife. When King David finds out about what Uriah has done, he confronts him, asking why Uriah chose to not spend intimate time with his wife, and Uriah reasons with not wanting to have the privilege of spending time with his wife, when his comrades are on the battlefield. Admirable Indeed! But David can't "hide" his sin now, and he sends Uriah to the Frontlines in the battle-- and Uriah, as David hopes, is killed in battle. Surely, David's "secret sin" will be covered up. Now, David decides to make Bathsheba his wife and they have the baby and the nameless baby (See below) dies unexpectedly seven days after his birth.
(Genesis 17:12, "God commanded Abraham to circumcise baby boys on the eighth day of their lives") In the Jewish cultural there are members who honor the ceremony of "not naming a baby boy before his Bris (Circumcision). This is based on the fact that God changed Abraham's name in conjunction with his Bris -- at age 99 (Genesis 17:15). I am not, by any means, an expert in Jewish Culture and Religious Customs. Thank Father for "Google" and my "Jewish Friends". I highly respect and regard "God's Chosen People" (The Jewish) and I want to encourage ALL of us to fervently begin (if you are not already doing so) (and continue) to pray for Israel and the precious Jewish people. Amen!
After reading the Story of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11), Father spoke the following "Word" concerning the current condition of "His Church": I warn you, it is a stern warning and "wake up Call" for all of us who call ourselves Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.
"My Church is having an adulterous affair with Its "Mistress" - the world-- in a season of spiritual battle that is resulting in leaving many wounded, more than a few in death and countless lost souls in their wake--on the battlefields (and trampled, uncultivated "harvest fields") of humanity".
Like King David, The Church today is making the choice to remain homestead, in place of recognizing (and adhering to) the "Call to Battle". It also has an unwillingness to identify the "season" we are facing in November 2015. Many "Christians", in The Body of Christ, are choosing to stay out of the "fight" during this season of "spiritual battle", and instead, are choosing to have an adulterous affair with the trends, social pressures and "twisted truth mantras" as they dance with The Spirit of Apostasy. All of these things are character traits of The Church's "Mistress"--the World. Whoa to those who choose to "bed" with apostasy, for this union is perverted and can only lead to destruction. (2 Thessalonians 2:3 warns us that, "No one should deceive you in any way, because it is not until the apostasy shall have come first, and the man of lawlessness shall have been revealed--the son of destruction.")
My beloved, I challenge all of you to read the Story of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) on your own. Please allow the Holy Spirit to bring clarity and insight to the aforementioned comments that Father has spoken. These are strong words indeed, but if this is referring to you or someone you know, please "position yourself in Father's Call for your life-- be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. This is not only a word of caution and a loving call to your need to discern "for such a time as this", but I am definitely including myself in this as well. I love you all! Thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.
Love, blessings and prayers,

11-15-15 J.

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