Thursday, August 17, 2017

ARTICLE: Yes, I am A PRODUCT OF PRAYER! And Yes, I am one of those JESUS FREAKS (and proud of it too!)
I am blessed with godly parents; a praying mother and a god-fearing father, both of whom I would not be the "prodigal son" that cometh home years ago without their fervent effectual prayers. I am definitely "A Product of Prayer". Praise God for those individuals whom God places in our lives who hit their knees in intercessory prayer when they see a brother or sister in Christ who are facing an intense challenge in life and they are wavering in their faith. Instead of passing judgment on that struggling Christian, we need to show mercy and compassion-- dig deep and come along side that person with the love of Christ and the Truth. cHOOSE TO STAND WITH THE WOUNDED BROTHER OR SISTER AND WATCH GOD'S HEALING POWER BEGIN TO FLOW, NOT ONLY IN THEIR LIVES, BUT IT WILL FLOW OVER INTO YOUR LIFE AS WELL.
The Bible tells us in Mark 12:29-30 "Jesus answered him, "The first of all commandments is: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God will all heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." This is the first commandment" What the scripture is really saying is we, as Christians, are to let loose and give God our everything. Become radical and sold out to God and His for your life.
Many of my family and friends believe that just because I am passionate in knowing what God has done for me in my life since I gave my life to Jesus in 1987, and that I also believe what the scriptures declare (especially The Book of Revelation which is incidentally being unfolded and manifested and coming into fruition right before our eyes in the world today-- knowing this makes me excited and because of my extreme zeal for God's truth and I am able to see the world events happening because God's Word tells us these things are going to happen, I am now considered "too radical" for the "Meek, peace keeping, conservatives Christians who would rather act as Ostriches with their heads in the sand-- putting all of their energy into practicing the "rapture jump" on their mattress springs or trampolines in the backyard". Well, guess what, there still is a world out here that needs these same Christians to pull their heads of their*** and get into the position and Call that God has ordained them to be in. Now is not the time to be playing games with God folks. We are living in the last days and when Jesus comes back will He find His people doing the Will of God and will they possess FAITH? Call me radical and a Jesus Freak because I am doing what we are all supposed to be doing and that proclaiming the Good News to the lost and dying world.
YES, I BOLDLY DECLARE THAT I AM A CERTIFIED, SPIRIT-FILLED, FIRED-UP, MAN OF GOD THAT SATAN HAS WARNED HIS MINIONS ABOUT. When I take the time to reflect on what God has done in my life since I accepted Jesus Christ in 1987, I stand amazed at the reality and evidence of what Jesus Christ did in changing my life and I can't help but want to jump on the rooftops and shout of God's goodness, mercy, love, peace, grace and endless faithfulness to His Children. . I am 52 years old and at the age of 25 years old I gave my life to Jesus and I am still going strong in the power and might of Jesus Christ. God has been faithfuL in the good times and in the challenging times that have literally changed the direction of my life.
In April 1994, the enemy tried to knock me off with the diagnosed of HIV disease and later, the disease went to the category of AIDS. For 22 years I have stood strong, in God and on the Holy Scriptures and I am still standing strong in my body, mind, heart and spirit. This disease has not controlled my life one inkling -- you can ask any of my friends and family and they will tell you that I do not play the victim concerning the AIDS issue in my life. I rarely give a lot of attention to the disease. Very rarely do I ever give place to this deceiving spirit of infirmity. Am I in denial? Absolutely NOT! Do I still submit to doctor's advice and medications, absolutely YES, because I truly believe God anoints and provides supernatural wisdom to doctors. At the same time, I stand firm in what God's Word tells me concerning the truth that "by the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed" (Isaiah 53:5). I can truly tell folks that I am more ALIVE and PASSIONATE about life than I have ever been even in my younger years when the body cooperated with a meticulous dance routine in a musical on stage; My singing voice is stronger than ever (and I boast not of myself but in the Lord, for I know where all of these tremendous natural gifts come from). I also know where my ability and anointing to flow in the "gifts of the spirit" come from. The fact that I prophesy accurate words from the very heart and desire of God who uses this particular gift to encourage, confirm and make these "words" manifest and come into full fruition, I know this gift is from God and has nothing to do with me and any power I possess. I am simply a humble vessel that God uses in this capacity - ALL GLORY TO GOD! Also, the fact that the Holy Spirit uses me in the Gift of Healing and there is evidence of healing that has taken place following my prayers. Once again, these Gifts of the Spirit showcases God's ability to still perform miracles, signs and wonders to day (and has nothing to do with any kind of power I possess. It is ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD WHO IS THE ONE WITH THE POWER TO PERFORM MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS still today.
In these last days, my beloved, God is about to blow a lot of peoples minds-- because all of the "gifts" that have been sitting on a shelf in some of the lives of His Children are about to be rekindled and once again, the world is going to be witness to God's phenomenal ability to do divine healings, speak of things to occur in the lives of folks in the near future (which is the gift of Prophecy and Word of Knowledge). The world is going to see "demons being cast out of folks" and witnessing these same individuals not only being free from demonic possession, but joining as members of the Body of Christ and they too will be entering into the Kingdom of Heaven.
As a former homosexual, I know there will be MANY gays and lesbians who will come into the Kingdom of God because they are going to set free from the sexual bondage they are living in. They will recognize homosexuality as a sin and they will repent and God will transform their lives-- but, hear me with clarity, my beloved, these redeemed homosexuals are going to be as radical and militant as they were when they were in the gay and lesbian community. The Great revival is going to produce a lot of JESUS FREAKS folks. Again, I am proud to be called a radical, over-the-top, JESUS FREAK. I was radical, loud mouthed, flamboyant, militant and didn't give a rip about what anyone thought either. These are the same character traits God is using in me today. Just because a person becomes a Christian doesn't mean God demands that their personalities change. If they cuss like a sail0r and practice habitual sins, of course, God is going to require change in this area. But when I first came out of the gay lifestyle, I was still very energetic, flamboyant, effeminate and had the attitude that I was bold and a big mouth and yes, there were some changes, but I am still the same Jay I was in the gay world.. The difference is now I am bold and militant in sharing the Truth that has set me free. The greatest difference is that I now know where I am going when I die-- I am going through the gates of heaven and into the arms of the One True Living God. I will find myself being lovingly embraced by Jesus Himself. I will be singing like I did when I was in the professional theatre and music industry world, but the difference is the lyrics will be different - I will worshipping, praising and glorifying God Almighty all of the time (along with other saints and the Angels of God).
GOD IS RAISING UP A HOLY REMNANT IN THESE LAST DAYS AND THEY WILL BE PART OF THE GROUP I CLAIM TO BE A PART OF AND THAT IS " JESUS FREAKS"-- The Term "Jesus Freak" actually came from what folks in the world called those of us who go around telling the world about the "Truth that sets the captives free". These born-again, Spirit-filled, radical, on-fire-for- God, men and women who are filled with the passion, love and compassion, join together with a sincere desire to see others set free from the bondage of sin. These so called "Jesus Freaks" only want to share the good news of Jesus Christ and how He died on the Cross at Calvary for the sin of ALL mankind, and He now sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Because of what He accomplished on the cross, we, as men and women, today have access to heaven when we pass from this world to the next. Heaven is REAL and Hell is REAL and the issue of eternity is something every man, woman and child is going to come face to face with in their last breath. Quite honestly, if I were a lost soul that had many questions flooding their minds concerning the reality of God, Heaven, Hell and all of the other issues, I would connect with a Jesus Freak because these are mostlikely the very people that used to share a cardboard box with you under a bridge in the big city. Jesus Freaks know where they have been and they know what God has done (and continues to do) in their lives. Once you get a taste of what it means to be a born-again Christian, your life will never be the same. Your search for true love and purpose in life will finally be answered. God loves you more than you will ever know. I pray that you have been greatly encouraged as I have touched on two subjects that are very close to my heart: 1) The fact that I am a Product of Prayer (and praise God for all of those who took the time to go before the Father in heaven and pray for me); 2) I proudly proclaim I am a Jesus Freak. I love the Lord Jesus Christ with every ounce of my existence, for I know that I am nothing, nor can do anything with Jesus Christ in the center of all that I choose to do in my daily life.
I want to conclude this article with a strong encouragement and advisement to you from our heavenly Father:

My children, the end times are here and I need you to shake awake, dust off the "gifts" and "talents" I have given you for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God. I want you to stand on the Chief Cornerstone and find your footage in confidence in all that you have received through my son Jesus Christ: The power of His Blood; the Authority you have in Jesus' Name; the Armor of God and the availability of my mighty warrior angels in the name of Jesus Christ. I have given you everything you will need to go forth into the world and share the Truth that sets the Captives Free". Go forth and use the various gifts I have given to you. For I am about to usher forth a mighty revival -- one like the world has never seen or heard of before. But my people must rise up with these gifts and take their position. I want to see my people filled with faith so that when my son, Jesus Christ, does return, He will be well pleased with finding faith among my people. Selah!

9-11-15 J.

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