Thursday, August 17, 2017

Many authentic Believers and followers of Jesus Christ are sensing there is something definitely happening "behind the scenes", so to speak, in the Spirit realm. Please allow me to clarify before I share further what I believe Father is placing on my heart to share. I refer to "authentic believers" because regrettably, and grievously, many so called "Christians" are embracing "Apostasy" in these last days. In order for one to fully understand how serious this offense is to Father and how extremely detrimental this is to those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, you must understand the deception of apostasy. Please see the following definition of Apostasy and what Jude and The Apostle Paul have spoken concerning this very issue; two servants of God in the Bible who warn us of the dangers of apostasy in these last days:
Apostasy Defined
The word itself is from the Greek word “apostasia” and is very much like renouncing or disassociating oneself from a particular religion or certain religious beliefs. It is similar to a rejection of beliefs that were once held and accepting different beliefs and might even be a renunciation of the beliefs that were previously held. For example, is someone converts to another religion, they reject or turn away from their beliefs from something they once believed and turn to believing in another, much different religion or it might be a falling away from anything to do with religion. Apostasy can also be considered abandonment or defiance of what was previously held to be true and practiced and rebelling against those same beliefs and practices. Someone or some group who does this are considered an apostate.
Jude’s Warning of Apostasy
Jude wrote that he “found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) because “certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4). If someone denies that Jesus Christ is Lord, it is a departure from “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” and is considered to be an apostasy.
Paul’s Warning of Apostasy
Paul saw it happening in his day and in one of his last letters he said “the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared” (1 Tim 4:1-2) and certainly any teaching from demonic forces must be an apostasy from what the true faith is which Paul said would happen “in later times.” Some would teach a prohibition on marriage while others a prohibition on certain foods (1 Tim 4:3) both of which is contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ, thus showing that these who teach such things are apostates.
JAY: Like many authentic Christians today, we are seeing apostasy seeping into our churches-- You may be asking "How?" There are "Christians" who are beginning to embrace the slogan of "CO-Exist" campaigns an "Love Wins" campaigns - both of which are attempts to combine all religions into ONE with the mentality or mantra of "Can't we all just get along?"; and the support and encouragement of gay equality (gay marriage) and the reality of "The Gay Church" and "The Gay Christian" both of which claim they believe in Jesus Christ and embrace His love but they do not recognize homosexuality as a sin in the eyes of Father and therefore, they see no need for repentance- Many good-intentioned Christians are doing great at "loving folks with the Love of Jesus Christ", but they are not taking these individuals a step further - sharing the truth that sets the captives free. It wasn't until Father sent someone into my life and told me that being gay was a sin in the eyes of God, that I received the "truth" and when I did, I saw my need for repentance and in doing so, I asked Jesus Christ to be my personal Lord and Savior. Without someone being bold and not compromising Father's Word and the "TRUTH", I would still be a gay man bound for hell and I wouldn't be born-again Christian with a divine passion and sense of urgency to encourage God's people "for such a time as this". Please, my beloved, guard yourselves from the issue of Apostasy. Do not be fooled or mistaken my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, for we ARE living in the last days and we MUST safeguard, shield and protect our relationship with Father in and through Jesus Christ. We must lead others to Christ--sharing His Love, and the redemption we have because of Him (and Him alone). But also providing the "divine rub" or combination of the Love of Christ with the unadulterated truth that sets the captives free. Jesus is coming back VERY VERY SOON and I pray that, we, as true believers and followers of Jesus Christ, are found in the center of Father's Will and that Jesus finds faith in His people when the clouds part and we are witnesses of The Second Coming of The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords - Jesus Christ! Read, know and apply the Word of God- Pray fervently - spend quality time in the Secret Place (with an intimate relationship with Father) and Listen to the divine instructions and the leading of the Holy Spirit--be Obedient in all that He says to do-- Joshua 1 (Be bold, strong and courageous and know that Father will be with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO!! I love and cherish all of you my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.
Selah and Amen.

11-4-15 J.

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