Thursday, August 17, 2017

Article Offenses will come from the Least Likely - the Brethren
Often times I don't always wake up in the morning knowing what the Holy Spirit would have me share with you my beloved, but today an incident happened and I feel strongly compelled to share it with you.
As Christians, we are given the power and authority to overcome the attack of the enemy. Revelation 12:11 tells us "They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the lamb and the Word of their testimony, loving even their lives unto death" (paraphrased)
There have been two particular incidents that occurred in my life recently that had me stepping back and refusing to give place to watering down or compromising the Word of God (The aforementioned scripture in particular)..
A few years back, I was in search of a new home church where I could become a member. This particular Baptist Church was where I decided to attend one of their morning services (even though I much rather prefer an Evangelical/Pentecostal Church where the Spirit of God moves in the gifts of healing, prophecy, word of knowledge, etc) After this Baptist sermon, I was lovingly thanked for attending their church and I went home. The next day two well dressed and well mannered men from that Baptist church came to pay me a visit and to officially welcome me in as a member. As we began to talk, I felt led to share my testimony of how God had set me free from the homosexual lifestyle. Both men frowned and looked at each other and strongly advised me that if I were to become a member, that I should never share my testimony about how I used to be gay. For anyone who knows me, that is like telling me I have to change my extrovert personality and become more mellow and less zealous about my Jesus. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. So, I turned to both men, thanked them for coming BUT I adamantly would not be attending any church where a person is not able to declare what the Word says in Revelation 12:11 "They overcame him (Satan) BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY......" I sent them out into the hall and closed the door-- with a peace to know that I knew within myself that I would never compromise the Word of God for the sake of saving spiritual face with a bunch of religious folks who don't celebrate God's goodness and ability to transform a life.
BACK TO THE PRESENT: Today I went into a Nail and Spa salon and asked to get my nails manicured. The young lady who sets up the appointments came up to me and said, "I am sorry but we cannot provide you nail service because of your HIV status." She said it loud enough to where every patron and salon employee stopped what they were doing and turned and stared at me. At first I was in shock and so I turned and questioned the young lady --"Who told you about my medical status? This is a confidential issue and I am appalled and demand to know who told you about my HIV status." The young lady went on to tell me that one of her customers recognized me when I walked into the Salon- this customer told her that I had AIDS and shouldn't provide service to me Again I demanded to know who this customer was and she told me the customer had just left. I blatantly called her a liar because I was standing by the door and no one had come in or walked out passed me. Again, she said the customer had already left. So I took it upon myself to take a short stroll and I watched every salon employee and customer put their heads down and no one would look up at me. I even asked several of the male salon employees to come over and talk to me and they refused to do so. I made a bold announcement that I was going to contact a lawyer and report this particular business and I announced "I know whoever you are that you are still here. How dare you share such a confidential issue with this salon establishment." The interesting thing about this "person" who told the Salon Owner in front of all of the customers who stared me down with a look of disgust when I first walked in, I sensed strongly was someone who had attended my new church at last Sunday evening service. I had taken two minutes to add to a great teaching that a woman at the church was teaching regarding the Benefits we Christians gain through what Christ accomplished on the Cross at Calvary. I stood to my feet and I declared "I definitely know one of these benefits Jesus provided for me, I was diagnosed with HIV disease on April 12, 1994 and I stand healed with a status of "undetected viral load". Many of the members in attendance that night praised God. But after the service and folks were mingling in the church lobby, I received the "stand offish" treatment I often experience from church members who don't know how to associate with me perhaps because of the stigma that accompanies anyone with an HIV status or has been a former homosexual- there is no excuse for ignorance when there is so much information on the subject matter (via the internet and brochures and PSA's to name a few.
In short, I believe it may have been one of the women in attendance that Sunday Night at church. If this be the case, I am deeply hurt, offended and grieved. It is not even about the principle of being denied salon service today, but that someone in the church would take something that was meant to be a source of encouragement and to glorify God for the fact that He still does miracles today and sustains lives that the medical community even declares as a miracle from God and uses it as a vicious instrument of gossip. I began to sob profusely a while ago, but not for what one might think to be the reason-- It grieves me so much that if this is indeed what happened, that a Christian sister would take a testimony of God and use it as a piece of gossip and use it to defame a brother in the Lord. This kind of thing shouldn't be happening my beloved.. We should cherish and celebrate the great things God has done and is doing in another brother or sister's life. After consulting with an attorney about this issue in the salon today, they advised me, regrettably and with much compassion and understanding, that there was no legal leg to stand on because I had shared my testimony in the church last Sunday night and perhaps someone from the church had this information and would share it with the salon establishment. The Legal Secretary's name was Kathy and she was a believer in Christ and completely sympathized with me and offered me much wisdom and encouragement to move forward stronger than ever in my faith. So I have accepted the challenge and I refuse to let Satan and whomever he uses to bring God's people defamation of character to minimize my faith and to effect what God has called me to do. I am more determined than ever to do the Will of God-- I will continue to make every effort to reach into the fires and pull out gays and lesians -- and to show them the Love of Christ and to engage in the use of the Sword of the Spirit which God uses to dig deep inside of a person and performs what He does best - transforming the lives of those who desperately need Jesus Christ, their redeemer, savior - the Way, the Truth and the Life. I pray that in my sharing these two incidences that you too will rise up in the power and might of our Lord and Savior and don't let Satan have any access to all the wonderful things Father is doing in your lives. YOU are DEEPLY LOVED BY FATHER MY BELOVED! May God bless you with a new boldness, courage and strength to press onward in ALL that He has planned for your life. Much love, encouragement,, challenge, and prayers to you all.

06-10-15 J.

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