Friday, August 18, 2017

This particular article is very special from the heart of God because He knows there are individuals in the Body of Christ who are safeguarding secret sins. These very sins have kept you from wholeheartedly surrendering your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and ultimately keeping you from fulfilling God's divine plans and purpose for your life. 
God will bring these things to light, not for reason of embarrassment, but He desires to see His children free before the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ, WHO IS COMING BACK VERY SOON! In Faith, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God, step out of the darkness and into the light of truth. Please allow the Holy Spirit to do the deeper work in you right now today for we are living in the last days my beloved and God desires to use you-- we, the Body of Christ, need YOU!
Scripture Reference: (1 Corinthians 4:5) "Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God."
The Spirit of God says to you today, "Beyond the loosed bands that shall fall off of you, My Child, there will come an anointing that will enable you to step into ALL that I have Called you to fulfill in these last days. Just receive freedom for this is your day of walking out of the darkness of shame, condemnation and fear. No longer will the enemy keep you from declaring "Whom the Son sets free IS free INDEED!" Amen
Personal Note: I know what it is like to harbor a secret sin while sitting in the church and trying to freely worship God during Praise and Worship and then to fully embrace the Message the Pastor is sharing with his congregation without feeling like a hypocrite. Allow me to share a little personal story with you:
Earlier on, after I had just accepted Jesus into my heart as Lord and Savior, I found myself in the following situation: Sundays I would put on my spiritual best, but come Friday and Saturday night, I would be out in the nightclubs drinking, dancing and partying like a fool. Although this season in my walk with Christ was short lived-- praise God for His mercy and grace-- I knew I would eventually have to confess it to the Pastor of my doings. What pushed this need to do so further over the edge; one Saturday night, I was pushing my way through the crowded bar when I accidently backed into a woman and when I turned to apologize, staring back at me was a member of my Praise and Worship Team. She and I looked embarrassed, ashamed, and wanted to crawl under a table and hide. I will never forget what she said to me, "Jay, I won't say anything to anyone if you won't". We both shared an awkward, fake laugh and lost each other in the crowd as fast as we could. But I couldn't just toss back my Long Island Ice Tea and carry on under the disco lights on the dance floor. I discarded my drink on the bar and headed straight for the door. I felt miserable and extremely guilty. Here I was, the Praise and Worship Leader for a local church-- worshipping God on Sunday morning after partying like the devil the night before. I got in my car and cried as I drove my way home. I didn't sleep very well that particular night, and I knew I had to come clean, first with God, and then with my Pastors.
The aforementioned story was a secret sin that I thought I did a great job of covering up-- but the guilt kept racking up more and more and it was beginning to effect my relationship with Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, church leadership, family and friends. The guilt and shame was becoming almost too unbearable. The day I finally was able to bring my sin into the light of truth, I felt a release-- like a heavy chain had fallen off of my shoulders. I agreed to step down as the P&W Leader for a season and focused on getting my life back in alignment with God and His Call on my life. I realized it was bad enough drinking and partying on the weekends, but trying to safeguard or protect the "secret sin" was tearing me up inside. It began to effect and compromise my godly character, integrity and my Christian credibility. I believe it was also grieving God to see one of His children being entangled in sin. (Hebrews 12:1) - “Let us lay aside every weight or encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.”
In closing, I want to encourage you to examine your heart to see if there is anything that is keeping you from fully entering into ALL that God has for you. Father wants to use you to reach out to the hurting, so let us not be found with anything that might lessen our effectiveness as a holy vessel. We are living in the last days and it is time to rid ourselves of any "secret sins" the enemy has held over our heads for far too long. God is waiting with open arms of love, forgiveness, mercy and grace. Today is your day!

"The Lord bring to light the things hidden in the darkness" (1 Cor. 4:5). It was Jesus who said, "There is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops" (Luke 12:2-3). Anyone who thinks they can sin and keep their sin a secret is a fool, because no matter how well you try to cover up your sin, GOD SEES EVERYTHING!
Please be greatly encouraged, challenged, inspired and blessed with this article my beloved. (Convicted - Yes / Condemned - No) Much love, prayers and blessings,

5-15-15 J.

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