Friday, August 18, 2017

The Lord woke me up this morning at 3 o'clock and the Holy Spirit stirred my heart to pray for some friends who are going through some pretty rough times right now. Then I spent a glorious time just worshipping Jesus and glorifying His name. There's just something about a person just singing from the depths of his soul in the stillness of the night. I have never, in my life, experienced so much of God's precious presence as I do right now. To step into the secret place of the most high and simply bring all that I am and will ever be....bowing down at the foot of God's throne. I feel like the little drummer boy who only had his drum and a simple song of love. Some of you may feel this same way...having not much to give...but God is only waiting for you to come and bow down...and to sing and express yourself from the authenticity of your soul. Jesus is my cornerstone and I stand in the presence of the Almighty Father because of what Jesus has done for you and I when He willingly gave His life on our behalf. Some times a person just needs to quiet his mind, slow down his steps, and set time aside to simply thank God for His faithfulness and all that He has done and is doing in your life. I, for one, can not, nor will I, attempt to live this life without Him in my life. I can do NOTHING without Jesus in the center of all that I do and say. I began to sing "I Surrender All" and I felt almost overwhelmed in His presence. Have you ever felt "bathed" in the presence of the Holy Spirit? To be engulfed, enfolded, enveloped in the essence of God's presence is a glorious (and oftentimes rare) experience unless you have learned to step away from life's hustle and bustle and step into the presence of the Living God. I want to encourage anyone out there who may be experiencing a great trial that seems so unbearable and out of your hands...give it over to Jesus and watch what God can (and WILL) do in your present circumstances. Life can be challenging...believe me, I do understand...I am challenged in my day to day tribulations as well and I bring my ashes to the altar and I anticipate the "Phoenix rising up out of those ashes"...the exchange of "beauty for ashes"...but what we tend to do (and I know because I have done this myself) is we have every intention of placing our ashes on the altar of God and we keep a small handful and place it back in our pockets because we don't completely want to give all of our "stuff" to some trophy that we've spent so much time carrying,polishing and displaying to remind us of "the old days". God wants to remove, even the residuals and shadows, of your ashes (the past) so you can truly experience a divine exchange from the hands and heart of our heavenly Father. To know the plans and purposes that God has for you in your life. You are not a "disappointment", "mistake", "forgotten", "has been", "set-aside", "useless", "unworthy", person. You ARE a Child of the Living God if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Stop letting the enemy tell you lies and stand firmly on what God says about you. Put Satan in his place...under your feet in Jesus' Name.
Come into His presence and lay it all down... all of your burdens...for "His yoke is easy and His burden is light"... I love you my beloved and I am standing with you...I join in your prayers to Abba Father and together, we will all get through this journey...and one day we will all pass beyond the veil and into the very presence of our holy and glorious Maker. I long to be held in the arms of my Lord, Savior, King and friend, Jesus Christ. This is my heart's desire and I sense this is your heart's cry as well. You are not alone my beloved. Though mourning may come for what some times seem like the longest night...JOY will come in the morning. We will, one day soon, wholeheartedly worship our King together. To declare His goodness in all that He has done in our lives. He loves you so much and He is waiting for you to humble yourself and pray...bring it all to Him...He's a BIG God and He can handle it. He already knows the burdens you are carrying and He just wants you to come into His presence for it is there that He will touch you, change you, encourage you, strengthen you, and cradle you in His arms. He has so much for you to do in these last days. Be greatly encouraged, inspired, challenged and beckoned to call out to Jesus with all of your heart....and know that He is always there for you in all that you desperately need. Much love, prayers and blessings my precious family and friends. We WILL come out on the other side of all of the craziness of this world...remember, my beloved, in the end WE DO WIN (Thank you Jesus...the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!) Amen and Selah!


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