Friday, August 18, 2017

Several years ago I was sitting up in a small cabin in Sevierville, Tennessee with my wife and our dog named Sheba. We would tell folks that we lived in a "zoo" because it was nothing to see big brown bears, deer, foxes, possums and many other animals.(all allowing us to reside in their territorial backyard) My time spent in the cabin high up in the Smokey Mountains for a year was the birthing place for a book I wrote entitled "No, I Was NOT Born Gay!" Little did I know a few years back that this concept would be flowing from the lips of many homosexuals in the gay lifestyle in 2015.
We hear much nowadays from the homosexual community about being “born gay.” TV talk show hosts, the news media and medical professionals have bought into the deception that some people are naturally born HOMOSEXUAL and can't help it. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To say that some people are born homosexual is to say that God makes mistakes. If God creates a man (with a man's reproductive organ), but that man has God-given natural sexual desires for another man, then God made a mistake. The Bible plainly states in Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." There is nothing in the Bible about two men getting married, nor two women. Same-sex marriage is sinful in the eyes of God.
God doesn't make mistakes! No one is "born gay." God created male and female, and they have natural sexual attractions one for the other, because they have male and female reproductive organs and genes, respectively. The very idea of two men having sexual relations is against nature. Homosexuality is a mental-illness caused by spiritual wickedness. In fact, the Word of God states this in Romans 1:24-28. Romans 1:26,27 state: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." Clearly, the Bible teaches that heterosexual attraction is natural; BUT homosexuality is abnormal and against nature.
God doesn't make mistakes! No one is "born gay." If you tell me that some people are "born gay," then you are saying that my God makes mistakes, and my God doesn't make mistakes. Why would God give two men a "natural" attraction one-for-the-other, but then they can't mate and reproduce because they both have male reproductive organs? That would be absurd. Nature itself teaches us that homosexuality is abnormal, messed up and wrong. If homosexual attraction is "natural," then God made a mistake. God doesn't make mistakes! The truth is that no one is "born gay." It's a choice. Homosexuality is a vile lifestyle of lust and shame that one CHOOSES to live.
I was recently reading on article on where scientists are working feverishly to impregnate a man and have him carry a baby for a nine month term and then have a C-Section at the time of the birth of the child. Again, this is Satan trying to play God-- it is a mockery to God's original plan as The Author of Life and the Creator who created man in His own image. Man is not meant to be the one to carry forth the natural development and birth of a child. Don't you see my beloved, the enemy is trying to play God and in another perverted and twisted maneuver a man may potentially, manipulated by science, have a child. This whole idea sickens me and again, this all goes against God's divine blueprint for His creation. God created Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve! God have mercy on such a wicked, vile attempt to imitate the blessed miracle of a woman being pregnant for nine months and bringing forth a precious baby ordained by God in the nature way in which He has always intended. My beloved, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Satan is trying to duplicate or counterfeit the natural reproduction process that comes with a man being with a woman-- united in Holy Matrimony, and being blessed with a holy consummation that leads to the blessed, miraculous birth of a god-ordained baby. My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we desperately need to pray against this perverted, counterfeit procedure-- at the rate Satan is going, we may have a real life "Stepford Wives" community of clones: a man with a man, being daddy and mommy, or a woman and a woman, also being mommy and daddy-- all playing house like one big happy PERVERTED and not God-ordained, family. We must continue to pray for "traditional family" my beloved. A child needs the strength and wisdom of a father and this same child needs the loving, nurturing that can only come from a mother. Satan continues on his quest to counterfeit everything that God originally created. The truth of the matter is only God holds the divine Blueprints...and no matter how hard Satan tries, he will never be the "Author and Finisher of a person's faith" nor will he ever be The Creator of the World, on Earth and in Heaven!
Be encouraged, challenged, inspired and educated in what the enemy is trying to do in this world. Pray fervently -"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16b). We desperately need the divine wisdom and instructions from the Holy Spirit in these end times my beloved. Please commit to praying for this nation that God would have mercy on the United States of America. I leave you with the following scripture:
.2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I love you all and encourage you in the Lord to be strong, bold and courage in these last days. God bless you!

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