Thursday, August 17, 2017

Article: Trumpets, Dreams and Visions
Never have I held so many trumpets of warning in my hand or had dreams and visions as I have had over the past six months. The amazing thing is that many of the "messages" that have been coming forth have been warnings of things to come. I even look back at some of the articles that The Holy Spirit has given me to share with my readers and I am amazed at the subject matters that I have been addressing. In review, I have addressed: The Apostate Church, The "Gay Christian", the types of Pastors in the article entitled "Which Pastor will you Choose?" and "Revival Rising Up Out of the Rubble". This is just to name a few. With these articles and others I have written over the past six months. God is clearly addressing some very serious issues to contemplate and consider.
Even with my small contribution in sounding the alarm on issues America is facing today I realize I am only one small and perhaps insignificant voice, but collectively add my voice to the many voices that are out there in various prophetic ministries and it equals a LOUD Trumpet blast of God's merciful warning to His people and to the world!
America! God has desperately been trying to get your attention! Christians. God's people in particular! God's judgment and wrath is coming to America and in fact, has already begun. Where there seems to be a time of peace be not caught unaware when sudden disaster comes. Now I realize that even I am writing this article there will be some who will choose to ignore what I am saying, but I assure you that it is not me who is declaring this but God! If you choose to not believe me or accept me as one of God's prophetic voices, then chose not to! I will not be offended at all! But I would challenge you to collectively listen to what other Prophets of today are saying! Another way I could say this is to do as the Bible tells us to do and that is to test the spirits for the bible does declare there will be many false prophets in the last days! But assuredly I declare there is a common prophetic voice that is declaring the same things that I am saying! The proof will ultimately be in the evidence of God's judgment when it comes to America!
Folks I am not a doom and gloom kind of guy. In fact, if you were to ask those who know me I am actually a goof ball! But when it comes to speaking forth what I believe The Holy Spirit of God is speaking I will not compromise or water down what He tells me to share! God loves America and it deeply grieves Him that even with all of the warnings He has given to this nation It still has not been willing to repent and turn back to Him! He is a merciful God and He will heal this land if His children will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways THEN He will hear from heaven and heal our land!

I sincerely pray that this article has encouraged, challenged and stirred your hearts into action to pray for this nation! I love you my beloved and if I didn't I wouldn't share even these types of articles that are so challenging to not only write but also may be difficult or even offensive for some of you to hear! God bless you! 

08-10-15 J.

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