Friday, August 18, 2017

My beloved there is so many "warnings" of something "BIG" is coming to America due to God's Judgment over this nation. But God's people should not fear or be dismayed, but yey, should be prepared. How do we get ourselves ready for whatever event(s) may occur in God's judgment plan for America? God's People needs to be in constant prayer, discernment, and obedience in what the Holy Spirit is instructing you and I too do, as a member of the Body of Christ, and individually with ourselves and our family and friends. If you are a spirit-filled believer in Christ then you too are sensing that something BIG is about to happen. Even for those who are not believers in Christ are sensing something is about to happen. Christians - be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit asks you to do because there are many who are vulnerable and they need to find the peace in the midst of the chaos and they will be more open to hear the reason why you and I are experiencing peace, joy and a calmness that others do not possess. The fields are ripe and this is a great time to reach out and bring great comfort and assurance to the people who are searching. The keys in the hands of every believer is simple: these keys will unlock supernatural peace in the midst of the coming chaos: Keys: OBEDIENCE to the leading of the Holy Spirit is crucial right now; AVAILABILITY to reach out to those who are afraid and hurting; SERVITUDE as the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World-- people are going to supernaturally be drawn to you-- be ready to share the plan of Salvation and lead these precious souls to Jesus Christ; TESTIMONY will be welcomed as a source of encouragement and comfort to those around us-- sharing the Faithfulness of God and what He has done and continues to do in our lives-- this will make God tangible to folks. PRAYER is a vital key that will teach others to communicate with God when everyone else around them seems to be spiraling downward in fear and confusion; THE LOVE OF CHRIST will truly serve as the Balm of Gilead to alot of deep wounds in the people and the Love that we Christians have for one another will be a great comfort and encouragement to those around us; THE SWORD, the Word of God, will cut deep into the root of every man, woman and child's deepest wounds they have carried around with them for most of their lives.
Christians, it will be a time when your faith will personally be tested. I encourage you to remain being the extended hand of God-- for the temptation to "take care yourself and your loved ones" when God will be asking you to be an extension of His love will be present. God will supernaturally provide and it will be such an incredible testimony to the lost and many will be brought into the Kingdom of God during this otherwise dreadful time. Be greatly encouraged to be a stand out for God's Glory - This will be an awesome time to bring in a harvest for God's Kingdom. So continue to prepare yourself in prayer, meditating on the Word of God (which is written on your hearts even when you may no longer have a bible in your hand). Be greatly encouraged and stand and know that God IS God! We are going to be just fine my beloved. Much love, blessings and prayers! 

5-22-15 J.

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