Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Gay Christian: A Part of The Great Deception
in The Last Days
I am currently doing an intense study on the issue of the "Gay Christian". In my current research I am introduced to two major individuals who seemingly stand on the forefront of a "spiritual or religious" movement called The Gay Christian. These two individuals are Justin Lee (Executive Director of The Gay Christian Network (GCN)), Matthew Vines (Gay Activist for The Reformation Project (TRP). As I research the topic of The Gay Christian I am finding myself in desperate need for the guidance and instruction of The Holy Spirit because there are many points that both of these young gentlemen make that "seem to make sense", but after all is said and done, it is always about "What God says in His Word"). The enemy is very crafty as he is using these intelligent young men to address the issues of The Gay Christian. I have prophesied in the past month and a half or so, that there would be three dominate spirits in these last days: 1) The Spirit of Sexual Perversion (Lust); 2) The Spirit of False Religion; and 3) The Spirit of Intellectualism In my ongoing research I am finding ALL three of these "spirits" are intertwined in this recent deceptive "Religion" called The Gay Christian.
I will be truthful with you my beloved, we need the divine wisdom that can only come from The Holy Spirit. In this journey to unravel the tightly twined and slightly twisted belief system that is embracing The Gay Christian as a legitimate "Christian" group, that all Christians should embrace, is very deceptive. I find that I personally can only be schooled on this topic in small doses because these young men, seemingly intelligent as they are, provide very intriguing points that can cause a Man or Woman of God to stumble if they are not cautious. The enemy is very crafty in how he can make everything these two young men are sharing seem so applicable to Christians in their belief system today. It truly takes the guidance and wisdom that can only come through the unadulterated Word of God and The Holy Spirit of Truth.
As I continue in my study on the topic of The Gay Christian, I ask that the authentic brethren join me in prayer-- for I need divine wisdom and guidance and the power of prayer to loosen the three spirits that are at work in this challenging uprise of a "New Evolving Religion" that speaks of The Love of Christ and the subtle twisting of The Word of God. Many of these crusaders for Gay Christianity are being led astray by the Spirits of Sexual Perversion, False Religion and Intellectualism Much of what I have discovered in my studies on The Gay Christian could easily sway many Christians who do not have the divine discernment that can only come through the Spirit of God.
It is a fact there are approximately 6,000 churches in America today who have embraced the concept of "The Gay Christian" and the message of "Reformation". The Body of Christ MUST be educated and properly informed of the subtleties that are inspiring the embrace "Christian Welcome Wagon" of these 6000 churches. These churches are embracing the LGBT Community as they offer "The Love of Jesus Christ' but are not addressing the fact that God says the sin of homosexuality is an abomination. These folks desperately need to be recognizing, that being gay or lesbian is a sin, in order for them to see the need for repentance, and then they are able to experience the Complete Deliverance Process and they are free because it is "The Truth that sets the captives free". I am a firm believer that our identity is not found in our sexuality. To tag the word "gay" to the word "Christian" is argumentatively an oxymoron-- Why can't you just say you are a Christian who is dealing with same-sex attractions, and then allow the Holy Spirit of Truth provide that person with what it means to have a new "identity" in Jesus Christ. I am proof that the TRUTH does set the captive free. I once embraced all of these things the GCN and TRP groups are selling to lost and wounded souls who are seeking a refuge. The question is still "What refuge are they abiding under? The Word of God speaks of abiding under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91).
How can man's own wisdom and twisted interpretation develop into a religious movement that seems to be sweeping across this nation and infiltrating into our Christian churches here in America? Why? Because these are a people who are going to churches that will preach only what will provide them justification for their sinful lifestyle. The Body of Christ is embracing error because It is ignorant of how to properly address where Christians are going wrong in their accepting "reformation" and embracing the idea that somehow God has changed His mind concerning how He defines the sin of homosexuality -- "Is it okay to be gay as long as I am celibate?", "Will God honor a monogamous marriage between a man and a man as love as they both acknowledge their love for each other and for Jesus Christ?" "Has God placed a stamp of approval on the alterations, newly defined, oreven deletion of the Holy Scriptures that the LGBT calls The Clobber Passages-- where the LGBT community has chosen to rewrite the Word of God and publish their own bible (The Queen James Bible) that redefines, waters-down, or simply deletes any scriptures that refer to the sin of homosexuality or that God abhors the sin of homosexuality, or even that God abhors "Workers of Iniquity" (Psalm 5:5). The word "Workers" in this particular phrase is defined as those who PRACTICE iniquity. These individuals are repetitive in their sin and inappropriate habits. " Iniquity" is defined as Sin; wickedness; evil.
Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work INIQUITY: and let me not eat of their dainties. ( Psalm 141:3-4 )
I am living proof that, yes, I used to identify myself as my sexual preference - a gay man. But as a current Man of God, I refer to myself as a "Born-Again Christian" because I have a new identity in Jesus Christ. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, all the old has past (the issue of same sex attraction) and behold all is new. (2 Corinthians 5:17). The idea of The Reformation Project (TRP) is revolting in that it is a project that is attempting to bring reformation (or to indoctrinate or alter the core of a person's godly belief system) in all of the Christian Churches in America (and eventually across the world). The fact is there are already 6,000 churches in America who have embraced "The Reformation Project" - a project that attempts to gather together homosexuals of faith (and half-truths) with Christians (who embrace the Whole Truth in God's Word) because "Jesus loves everyone". They believe the Holy Bible has been misinterpreted concerning many aspects they find contradictive in "Traditionalism" versus "Reformation". These Gay Christian organizations are sweeping through our Christian churches with subtle, twisted, half-truths, and the Church is not educated in what it means for these individuals to preach Reformation as they combat "Tradition" in our doctrinal beliefs. They are subtle and appear as "Angels of Light" -- does this sound like someone familiar my beloved?
As a Man of God, who knows what it is to be set free by the Truth of God, I feel it is the responsibility of every member of The Family of God to be educated and informed of these subtle false religions and how this particular spirit is interweaved with the other two spirits (Sexual Perversion (Lust), and (Intellectualism). These three spirits at work pose a challenge as I am seeking to know the unadulterated truth of God. The Spirit of Truth (The Holy Spirit) is far more powerful than these three spirits I have made mention of. As Christians, we must guard the truth we know because the subject matter of The Gay Christian is very deceiving and I believe is part of The Great Deception in these last days. Genuine Christians must know TRUTH if we intend to take a stand against what "stinketh" in this new religion. May God bless His Children with divine wisdom and discernment in these end times. These three spirits I previously mentioned are lethal, deceptive, subtle, and if it were possible, the enemy could even deceive the elite. Please adhere to the warning of the Lord today my beloved. As the Holy Spirit of Truth provides me with divine revelation and wisdom concerning this subject matter, I will provide information to you in additional "Articles" I share here on FaceBook. Thank you for standing with me as I delve deeper into the subject of "The Gay Christian"-- may I come forth with divine wisdom that I may share with you, the beloved of Father God. If any of you, my beloved, have any divine insight to this particular subject matter, please be willing to share it with me and i will add this information in my research project. I love you and covet your prayers my beloved.
09-19-15 J.

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