Thursday, August 17, 2017

ARTICLE: transgenders Are Coming OUt in full force!
Has anyone else seen the recent photo on Glamour Magazine in which Kaitlyn Jenner ( aka Bruce) is posing in an expensive two piece outfit and his/her hair and makeup look flawless? Does this photo disturb any one else out there? And then to hear that Glamour Magazine select him/her as "Woman of The Year for 2015" - WHAT? This is just an example of the evidence of the condition of this world today folks. What a display of blatant mockery and mutilation - a man receiving estrogen hormones and genital reassignment DOES NOT make him a woman. In the eyes of God, Bruce Jenner is still a man, and the enemy has sent very demonic spirits who have brought great confusion, doubt, discontentment, and ultimately Satan is slapping God in the face, making a mockery and a "counterfeit claim" that is blatant disrespect when God said, "Let us make man in our image" Satan has twisted the minds of these precious souls and convinced them of an inner war that leads them to believe they were born a boy but meant to be a girl. Satan is inspiring and convincing these individuals to mutilate their bodies:in the image that corrects "God's mistakes" when He made them to be boys when they in turn, believe they were meant to be born a girl. Many transgenders can now be seen in local grocery stores and other public businesses and establishments and we must be reminded that Jesus Christ died on the cross for them as well and they are in need a savior too. I'm not going to lie folks - this disturbs me greatly but I also have an overwhelming grieving in my heart for these individuals. I will not lessen what I strongly sense must be a great journey and an inner war (physical, mental, spiritual, intellectual) a transgender must be experiencing on a daily tormenting ordeal. I believe the enemy has convinced these individuals that once they endure the procedures in genital reassignment, they will feel a sense of finally feeling like the woman or man that once was crying out inside of them before the decision to change their sex. What the media does not show is the psychological breakdowns some of these individuals are experiencing-- deep depression, some remorse, and other inner battles that many of their "counselors, Psychiatrists, life-coaches and a support group that surrounds them and encourages them to embrace the reality of the mutilation (and slap in God's Face because they were "correcting His mistake in His original blueprint and design for their lives). This twisted deception is like sharp daggers that the enemy tries to stab in the heart of Father-- but He does not exceed, nor will He ever-- for the day is coming VERY SOON when Jesus Christ is coming back in Victory.
My beloved, I feel strongly compelled to pray for these individuals- God still loves these precious confused souls and I believe there is still room for their repentance and forgiveness. i am not for certain what God would require of them when they give their lives to Jesus, but I do believe in the Redemptive Power that comes in the precious Blood of the Lamb-- so ask the Holy Spirit how we are too pray and minister to these precious souls.
In a recent Prophetic radio broadcast I had the privilege of being a special guest on Wings Radio with host Glynda Linkous where the Holy Spirit literally lead the entire interview- an hour and a half packed full of Prophetic Words, and Words of Knowledge. In one segment of this broadcast, I shared how Father gave me a vision of a large fisherman's net and in this net, was a full catch and each fish in this catch represented someone who was coming into the Kingdom of God through the Great Revival in these last days. I described some fish as homosexuals, transgenders, prostitutes, drunkards, adulterers, fornicators, etc., I felt compelled to remind you of this particular interview "for such a time as this" and is very appropriate in tying this into this particular article. God is no respecter of persons - what He HAS done for you and I in our receiving the Gift of Salvation through His son Jesus Christ, I believe He CAN and WILL DO for these individuals who are part of the harvest that i saw in my vision of "The Net". Please listen to this particular broadcast (even if you have heard it before because I believe you will be greatly encouraged and already you will see things that the Holy Spirit spoke regarding President Obama and much more. May God richly bless you as you set out to pray for the current harvest and the great harvest that will come as a result of The Great Harvest in these last days! Be blessed my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Much love to you all.

11-12-15 J.

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