Friday, August 18, 2017

Welcome to 1159AndCountingDown Blog Page


It's amazing how ones life can change in an instant...many times as a result of obedience to something that God is asking you to do. It's as if God is waiting for our response and our steps into obedience in order to get the ball rolling on our behalf. Life comes with so many twists and turns and sometimes the "suddenlys" in our lives shakes us out of complacency and directs our steps so we are in alignment with God's perfect will for our lives. We, as human beings, tend to be routine....rhetoric in our day to day lives. There is a comfort in the familiarity of life...but then God will allow something to drop into our laps and we are left to decide how we will handle the new challenge. In my case, I am being asked to step into a foreign land and I have an incredible peace, courage and strength to do so other words, I am equipped to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading. In the Book of Joshua, the First Chapter, God is encouraging Joshua to be strong, bold and courageous and God tells Joshua that He will be with him everywhere he goes. This is what I know God is speaking to me. For now, in the season I am in, I must maintain focus and be available, obedient and continue to have a heart of servitude, but also begin to prepare for the journey that is up ahead. In making extreme life-changing decisions one must ensure that he/she has the leading of the Holy Spirit with scriptures backing up your decision; the support and encouragement of family and friends, and the tightest and closest relationship you have ever had with Jesus Christ. I don't care if one is in their mid-twenties, thirties, forties, fifties or a hundred years old, it is never too late to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. God can use anyone who is willing to be obedient and available. I want to encourage you, at any age, to be available for God's service. Jesus Is Coming Back Very Soon and my desire is to be found doing His Will for my life and I would pray that this would be your desire too. Much love, encouragement, courage, strength, and boldness as you move forth in obedience! Selah

Psalm 89:24New King James Version (NKJV)

24 “But My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with him,
And in My name his horn shall be exalted.

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