Thursday, August 17, 2017

In my time in the Secret Place with Abba Daddy, I believe He has spoken to my heart concerning a Word "for such a time as this". Abba Daddy loves those individuals who He has set free from the homosexual lifestyle and He longs for more to come into the knowledge of Salvation that is available through His precious son, Jesus Christ. He has instructed me to tell all of those who have been brought out of the pit of homosexuality the following:
"I have placed trumpets in the hands of my Children who were "once held captives in the gay and lesbian lifestyle". Collectively you will sound the alarm "as a voice that cries in the wilderness "prepare ye the way of the Lord". I have already given these very words to some of you, my Children, and now I declare this out of the need for UNITY. As you sound the alarm as ONE VOICE my precious ones, also begin to prophecy to the four winds-- call forth the brethren that you once called brothers and sisters and family when you were in the homosexual lifestyle. There will come forth a mass exodus of gays and lesbians in these last days. I have raised you up, my sons and daughters, and you are my Remnant, sanctified, purified, and now serve as an extension of My love, forgiveness, mercy and grace. Reach out and take their hands and lead them into the Truth that you know has set you free. Shout and Declare, from your rooftops, the testimony that proclaims My power and ability to transform lives; of My love and desire to have these precious children in My Kingdom; and My faithfulness to do what My Word has been sent out to accomplish. I love you My blessed Children and I am VERY PROUD of all of you. Continue to come into My presence often for I have much more divine revelation for you. Go forth and sound "The Alarm" with boldness, courage, strength and the knowledge that I AM will carry forth every word you prophecy to the North, South, East and West. Amen and Amen. (Thus sayeth Abba Father),
I pray that you all hear these words with great clarity and rise up with the trumpet that God has placed in your hand. Let we, "the remnant, that God has ordained for such a time as this", rise up as one voice and testify and prophecy what Father God has spoken. May God richly bless you all in every area of your lives.

9-17-15 J.

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