Thursday, August 17, 2017

HOMOSEXUAL SOLDIERS: "President Barack Obama signs the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 into law at the Department of the Interior in Washington, DC, on December 22, 2010".
GAYS ADOPTION RIGHTS: Although the Supreme Court of the United States ruling on June 26, 2015, granted gay marriages being legal in all fifty states in America; each state has its own regulations concerning same-sex adoptions. For instance, in my home state of Arizona:
1) The state of Arizona permits single LGBT individuals to petition to adopt? YES
2) The state of Arizona permits a same-sex couple to jointly petition to adopt? No explicit prohibition.
3) The state of Arizona permits a same-sex partner to petition to adopt partner’s child or child of the relationship? No explicit prohibition.
Allow me to speak on these two issues without seeming fork-tongue in my comments: I will speak as a former "gay" Soldier in the US Army and now as a born-again, Spirit-filled, Christian (set free from the sin of homosexuality in 1988) and now, also, as a Preacher and Prophet in service to the advancement of the kingdom of God. ALL Glory to God!
In regards to the issue of homosexual soldiers; I do believe gay and lesbian soldiers are capable of serving in the Armed Forces in America on the merit that many of these individuals exceed the standards set forth in the Military Rules and Regulations for each branch of service. When a soldier is in a foxhole on the battlefield, he or she will not be concerned with their comrades sexual preference. They want to find these individuals competent in combat and in peacetime. On a personal note, when I served faithfully in all my duties as an Administrative Specialist for the United States Army, my sexuality never was an issue or ever interfered with my assigned duties. In fact, (by God's mercy and grace), I was honored with being awarded Soldier of the Company, Solider of the Battalion and Soldier of the Brigade in 1983 in my assignment in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I was recognized with many "Letters of Achievement" and awarded my share of medals and decorations which indicated my achievements while serving in the United States Army were exemplary In saying this, I considered myself to be a successful, capable gay man in a military uniform. In fact, when I entered into the U.S. Army in 1982, I was a bit surprised to find there were many gays and lesbians who kept their sexual preference secret, due to President Clinton's institution of the Bill into law which states the "Don't Ask-Don't Tell Policy." Not to be graphic, but there wasn't any lack of opportunity for any gay or lesbian who was looking to be sexually active. I, by no means, am proud of my past sexual escapades, but I will say I not only had established relationships with the noncommissioned officers, but the higher ranking officers as well. I say this to make the point that homosexuality was active in every branch and rank in the U.S. Armed Forces (and continues to be rampant more so today, and is even more demonstrated with blatant, unashamed, liberation. Rules and Regulations are still honored, but what was once considered "a real man's Army" where Americans took pride in serving their country in authentic patriotism, now is riddled with some who still believe in the old fashioned "Pride and Patriotism" but is now a mixture of Patriotic Pride vs. Gay Pride". The slogan "Be All that You can Be" takes on a whole new meaning in today's society that has accepted the homosexual lifestyle-- the sin of sexual perversion that permeates in our military, education system, and our churches. "Be All That You Can Be" used to encourage young men and women to enter the military with pride and the sincere desire to literally "be ALL that they could BE"-- to leave the civilianship and enter into the military world where a man or woman is challenged to dig deep down inside and discover courage, knowledge, hidden abilities, patriotism and pride in serving and protecting "the land of the free and the brave". Now, here comes what some would say is my being fork tongued on this issue:
GAY SOLDIERS? As I have previously addressed above, I do believe gays and lesbians are capable of being excellent soldiers in the American Armed Forces (as long as they are required to follow the same rules and regulations of all military personnel). I do not condone any special privileges or benefits because of their sexual preference. Now, as a Christian (former homosexual), I do not condone the sin of homosexuality, because God's Word tells us that it is an abomination and a sin He abhors (Leviticus 18:22 and there are many other scriptures in the Bible addressing homosexuality as a sin and how the gay or lesbian will not enter the kingdom of Heaven- but there is HOPE in Jesus Christ). Again, the issue for me is not a question of whether or not the gay or lesbian soldier has the ability to serve well in the United States Armed Forces. The issue I am concerned with is the individual's salvation and if he or she would die in combat, where would they spend eternity? Heaven or Hell. I know for me, if I were looking at the potential of dying in combat, I would want the assurance of eternity spent in heaven with God and my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is said that soldiers in combat walk closer to God than any other time in their lives.
In the Holy Bible, The Apostle Paul spoke to the Church of Corinth on the issue of who would and would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven: (See below)
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Note: What stands out to me is there is hope for anyone who is in this list of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: ("And that is what some of you WERE..") I know this to be true because I was one of those on the list that Apostle Paul spoke of) and I have been delivered, redeemed and I know where I am spending eternity (whether I die in a foxhole, or drowning or getting into a car accident or dying of natural causes-- not that I am wanting any of this to happen to me -- but it is appointed that every man should die - I just know Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith will be the one who determines when and how - Amen?) (unless Jesus ' returns beforehand and I am raptured). Let Father's Will be done! Amen!
JAY: (THE ISSUE OF GAY ADOPTION): Without seeming redundant, I would echo the same sentiment as I did with gay soldiers (above). I believe gays and lesbians are more than capable of loving a child, I have a strong opinion regarding whether or not this is healthy for the child's upbringing (health and welfare). i believe a child needs the parenting that can only come from a traditional parent unit: God intends for a mother to be a woman (not a "wifey" or a gay man who chooses to play the role of the "mother" or a woman who is in a lesbian relationship). A woman has an internal nurturing characteristic that can only come from a woman - a character trait God has placed within a woman. I realize there are "effeminate gays" that think they can provide this same nurturing, but it cannot replace or counterfeit the real deal. And in regards to the father in the parent unit, I believe the role of a father must be a man who knows God created him to be a Man who can teach his child, first and foremost, the divine responsibility of a man is to raise his children up to know Jesus Christ and Father God and the ways of the Lord, and he also has the responsibility to provide a sense of strength, confidence, stability and security in a child's life. I do not believe a gay couple (two daddies or two mommies) are an ordained union and parenting unit of God. Many "apostate" Christians out there will disagree with me on this, but I would strongly warn authentic Christ followers to guard their salvation and use discernment from the Holy Spirit-- Satan is pulling out all the stops and as usual his goal and objective is to Steal, Kill and Destroy. And clearly, my beloved, Satan continues to attack God's ordained parents through the perversion of gay marriage (and issues of divorce (infidelity/adultery)).
A STRONG WARNING TO GOD'S PEOPLE: Apostasy is very subtle and can begin with you getting easily offended by other brothers and sisters in Christ; or you may suddenly find an offense or disagreement with something your Pastor or a church leader says and you leave the church. Church splits are the blatant attempts of Satan, but apostasy is not only a blatant church split or movement, but it is a personal attack on the individual Christian and will always effect others around him or her (family and friends). Beware of those "feel good churches" where you are no longer challenged or convicted for sins in your life when you are there in the church service. If you walk out of church on Sunday morning (or any scheduled church service) with the feeling that you just attended a "Life Coach" / Self-Help or Improvement" seminar, where you just happened to experience a rock concert as part of the ticket you turn in at the door, then you may be attending an Apostate Church. If all you are hearing appeases your flesh and you continually walk out of the church feeling unchallenged, uninspired, or like you just punched in the church's time clock, you may be attending an Apostate Church and if you are not an "apostate Christian" you are well on your way to becoming one. If you are no longer experiencing the occasional "holy fear"and "godly reverence" for the things of God when the Pastor preaches on our responsibility to "work out our salvation in fear and trembling" and being concerned about heaven or hell-- or if scriptures that doesn't make you want to be certain of whether you are walking in a "relationship" or in "religion", then, again, you may want to be concerned and pray my beloved) See the following scripture found in Matthew 7:21-23 which reads:
"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, please know my heart when I share these articles with you. i realize they are lengthy, but I truly believe Father is inspiring me to share His heart. Please awaken, open your eyes, and adhere to truth. There is so much delusion, lies and deception out there. Let us not be found loving people into hell. You may be asking "How are we doing this Jay?" - If you and I truly love individuals with the Love of Jesus Christ, then we MUST not leave out their need for them to recognize their sin and need to truly repent. Apostasy only wants to speak to a man or woman's flesh-- The messages that only tell folks, "God loves you and wants you to have the best" without also telling folks about their being sinners and needing Jesus Christ, this kind of message is not coming from the Holy Spirit, but rather, it is coming from the Spirit of the Anti-Christ and the dangerous pit of apostasy and the Great Falling Away of the saints in the last days is like a visible large pit right in front of your path-- and then, what "path" or "road" are you traveling on my beloved?. May those who have ears hear-- and those who have eyes see- as always, I strongly urge you to rise up Body of Christ and take your position in Christ. Ready yourselves in ALL that we have in Jesus Christ (Authority in His Name; The Blood of Jesus; The Armor of God; The assignment of Warrior Angels: and know the reality that "He who is greater in us than he who is in the world"). May Father truly bless and encourage you through this message. Although my messages (articles) continue to seemingly harp on the same "trumpet blast", I will continue to declare "the truth that sets the captives free" until Jesus comes. I love you ALL very much--I need you-- we need each other my beloved!
In Christ,

11-9-15 J.

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