Friday, August 18, 2017

I amazed that in these last days when Christians should be uniting together how we are still seeing believers (brothers and sisters in Christ) slinging mud onto each other and attempting to discredit our authentic works of the Lord in the ministry and our servitude within the Body of Christ. Instead we see puffed up, prideful, spiritual peacocks strutting about the church courtyard, boasting of the number of members in their church, rather than being concerned with the real issue of just how many lost souls in the crowd have been offered the Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ and have actually accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Too many "religious", "traditionalist", "Old School" Christians are snubbing the sincere zeal of those newly born-again babes in Christ. They judge how the "young in Christ" seem to in great wonderment of all of the new provisions that are available through Jesus Christ (forgiveness, healing, deliverance, the fruit of the Spirit, and perhaps experiencing what true love is for the very time in their lives). Don't you remember the first time you met Jesus Christ and your eyes were open to a whole new perspective on life. We go to church with a checklist on a clipboard and conduct an inventory and a rating system on how loud the Praise and Worship music blares from the speakers; whether or not the Pastor's Wife is dressed in the latest fashion or is considered appropriate in whether or not the Pastor's wife's dress-code was "conservative enough" and a good example for the other proverbial women in the church to follow . We also have a category on our checklist of how the youth groups are persuaded by the world's sense of fashion and worldview standard. Let there be great judgment towards any teenager who may have several tattoos and body-piercings, and maybe even multi-colored hair which is his or her creative self expression and yet really harms no one-- but only challenges one's personal prejudice or opinion. As the real Christians, we need to see beyond their outward appearance and get to know the real person behind their choice in fashion statements. We need to see the young man or woman the way that Jesus sees them.
Time and again, I see folks entering into churches and immediately pointing out everything they don't like about the church. What they really should be looking for is whether or not the unadulterated Word of God is being preached from behind the pulpit; to get to know the godly character of the Pastor (and leaders) before critiquing or making an assumption about their character. They also should observe and see if the leadership and congregation is allowing the Holy Spirit of God to flow in the supernatural resulting in miracles, signs and wonders.
In these end times, many Christians will "church hop" from one church to another trying to get something that will appease their itching ears. There are so many Christians who walk around like they are the movie critics, "Siskel and Ebert" and they give a "rating" to each church after only attending a service once or twice. Christians are so good at pointing fingers and finding faults in ministries-- discrediting or giving vile opinions before allowing themselves to get the facts regarding the ministry and it's challenges, triumphs, failures and successes. I have news for you folks, there is no "perfect church"-- Matthew 9:12 Jesus said that "It is not the healthy that need the doctor, but the sick who need the healing touch of God" (paraphrased)
Instead of spending so much time trying to "prove that someone's ministry is "off" or something is just not right, we should pray that any wrong dealings concerning that church be exposed in love and truth. Let God clean His House and judge, rebuke, correct and admonish His children. The Fruit of the Church Ministry will be evident-- are those that call themselves Pastors or Bishops or Apostles or Teachers or Prophets leading people to "the truth that sets the captive free" or have they turned into the Apostasy Church and they are preaching man's agenda-- a mixture of "motivational speaker"/"Life Coach" like Dr. Phil or Oprah Winfrey or Joel Osteen or T.D. Jakes just to name a few. God is well aware of the mega-churches and ministries that have lost their way-- He is aware of those who stopped leading people to Jesus Christ and on into a journey of "one's self" where "self improvement" and dealing with "Your own dysfunction" and other psycho babble is replacing the transformational power of God and His Word. This is why I believe church leaders are apprehensive about preaching against the sin of homosexuality (an acceptable perverted lifestyle in society today) -- they fear offending those members of their congregation who are members of the LGBT. These leaders are afraid of not only "the offense" but rather the truth that the church financial status would change without the financial support of its gay and lesbians congregants. Blatant refusal to address anything from the Bible's standpoint is, in, and of itself, an abomination and an open offense to God. A Church leader is depriving the lost souls who are entrapped in the sinful lifestyle of homosexuality (in particular) the opportunity-- the Gift of Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE PERIOD!
Although my witnessing the aforementioned occurring in the Church every time the doors are open and service is presented, I am truthfully livid and appalled with this sort of thing happening- Watered-down truths and half truths is NOT what sets the captives free. Do I pray for these church leaders who are doing such a thing - ABSOLUTELY! But God ultimately will eventually address these issues just as He did concerning the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. The Bible says "For it is time for Judgment to begin with God's household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the Gospel of God? and, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" (1 Peter 4:17-18)
The bottom line my beloved is we must stop knit-picking ministries around us. God is quite aware of where these ministries are at-- in their successes and in their challenges, as well as, if there is any inappropriate activity going on behind the scenes. God hears the messages that are being brought forth to His people and in His timing He will remove any ministry or minister who is not producing godly fruit and distributing the healthy Meat of the Word and the Milk of the Word to the babes.
I have had the privilege of being a part of several churches who were established from the ground up and I have walked side by side with godly leaders who began with God's Plan and Vision for their ministry-- but there have been times when the storms would come that I would witness a wavering in the Man of God's stance on God's Word. There is a blatant onslaught assignment of the enemy to get Church leaders to become lethargic, prideful, arrogant, lead by a spirit of intellectualism and religion rather than by the Holy Spirit of God. There is a spirit of Fear and Intimidation over the Church leaders which is causing them to stay clear of any controversial subject matters that God addressed in His Word. (For an example: (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) swindlers, slanderers, Homosexuals, idolaters, adulterers, greedy, sexually immoral, drunkards, thievery, gluttony - these will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Paraphrased).
Folks, I believe a good dose (and reminder) of the consequences of sin needs to be stated from behind the pulpit. I believe it's a good thing to have a "little fire and brimstone" to remind us of the other alternative place one could be spending eternity if they do not repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Just loving on a gay man but not using the Sword of Truth to continue in the process of true repentance and deliverance is WRONG - The Love of Jesus is wonderful and comforting and there is a need for it for the lost and lonely - but we, as Christians, have the responsibility to lead them into the Truth that will set them free and you can not accomplish this task without the lost souls recognizing sin for what it is SIN. Then comes a revelation of their need to renounce and repent of the sin they were involved in-- then comes asking Jesus into their hearts-- and then comes the need for fellowship, discipleship, mentorship,prayer life, reading the Word of God daily and having someone to help them walk out this journey called "Walking Daily With Christ".

I sincerely challenge all of us, as God's People, to stop playing games in church, get into your God-ordained positions and most importantly in this season- BE OBEDIENT! Much love, encouragement, and prayers my beloved. 

5-11-15 J.

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