Thursday, August 17, 2017

Article: NOTE TO ALL OF MY BELOVED FAMILY AND FRIENDS, I RARELY WRITE WITH SUCH CONFRONTATION, BUT I FELT LEAD TO SHARE A HARSH REALITY CHECK FOR ALL CHRISTIANS-- if any of you have been hearing the "rumors" lately, it has been made a proven fact on a recent CNN news report, that with expectancy, President Barack Hussein Obama is preparing for Marshall Law, due to the recent push on signing another "Executive Order" that shifts his plan to have "gun control" enforced throughout America into position.
Is there anyone out there who is still naive in believing that the military exercise called "Jade Helm" was just a military exercise? I believe it was in preparation for the great possibility of Marshall Law that will be caused as The Gun Control efforts begin. Not everything is as it seems folks! (Ie., the recent reports circulating that Sandy Hook was a staged incident-- a hoax). There are many things happening behind the scenes in Washington and I don't believe Americans know the half of it. Some would call me a misinformed and paranoid man, and I would simply ask you to test the spirits (and seek what the Holy Spirit would speak to you concerning a few issues I am addressing in this article.
I don't think many would argue with me when I say that President Obama has been weakening our Armed Forces since his time in office as President; and he has succeeded in not only being the most disliked and distrusted Commander-In-Chief in the history of this beloved nation, but he has even taken the "Don't Ask - Don't Tell Policy" to a whole new level in allowing gays and lesbians to serve in The United States Army. Am I saying that homosexuals cannot make excellent soldiers? Absolutely NOT! Some of you who know my testimony know I was a gay man while serving in The United States Army and I was recognized as "Soldier of The Company", "The Soldier of The Battalion" and received honors at the "Brigade Level" as an respected and outstanding soldier. My sexuality did not effect my ability in being astute and professional in my assignments and responsibilities both Statewide and Overseas Assignments". I am compassionate toward the homosexuals and I love them enough to share my testimony of how I was once a "captive in the sin of sexual perversion" (homosexuality), and it was the Truth that set THIS captive free" (John 8;32). In saying the aforementioned, I do believe these individuals (gays and lesbians) , and their ability to perform oftentimes is noted for their "higher standards of excellence", the reality of their being in close quarters with other heterosexual men and women may effect the overall morale of all who serve our nation in the United States Armed Forces (and as a Christian, my view on the issue of gays and lesbians, is not a matter of whether or not these individuals are capable of excellence in their service to this nation, but rather, the truth that homosexuality is a Sin that God recognizes as a sin of sexual perversion and an abomination.). I realize my acknowledging this truth is not an issue of my being politically correct (and that there are many Christians and Church Leaders who no longer are willing to even share "The truth" on this topic, but rather, I am hearing the ever growing popularity mantra of "can't we all just get along" and we are basically "loving these individuals right into hell because we are not willing to call "sin" SIN anymore and we refuse to tell these precious souls the totality of true deliverance and Salvation in Jesus Christ. If a loving and honest Pastor had not told me that being a homosexual is a SIN and I would not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven (see scripture reference below) and only loved me in the "Love of Jesus", I wouldn't have experienced God's Transformation Power that has made me the Man of God I am today (ALL GLORY TO FATHER GOD!). I know what it means to have once lived in the bondage of sexual perversion, when living my life as a gay man. I was heading for hell according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 where Apostle Paul was speaking to The Church of Corinth and he was lovingly (and as a matter of fact and truth), telling the congregants about those who would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Among this list of sins, homosexuality was one of the sins listed. But he later says "for such were some of you". This last line speaks of the fact that some of the members in the crowded sanctuary WERE found committing some of these sins, but, Praise be to God, they were set free and forgiven through Jesus Christ. This same "Gift of Salvation" that is found (and STILL available today in and through Jesus Christ and ALL He accomplished on the cross at Calvary) can be for anyone who is living as a "captive to sin", In the case of homosexuals (ie., the Gay Christian), who believe and know The Love of Jesus, however they do not recognize and acknowledge the sin of homosexuality, and until they do so, they will not enter in to, or experience the totality of what it means to be "set free in Christ. Placing a band-aid on an infected wound doesn't alleviate the reality of the existence of infectious poison that lies deep within the wound. Only when the individual recognizes there is an existing "infection" that could possibly lead them to further serious issues and may cause death, this is what it is like when the "band-aid" represents The Love of Christ-- the infection represents the real issue of deeply embedded sin and the need for the process of removing the deep embedded poison by applying THE OINTMENT OF TRUTH (The Balm of Gilead) -- the totality of deliverance, which leads to the abundant life we have in Jesus Christ.
I know it sounds so "elementary dear Watson" and that is because it is. Salvation in Jesus Christ is what The Great Physician ordered. Father God's goal for His Children is to experience the fullness and abundant life we have in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. His greatest desire is to see ALL people to return to God's Original Blueprint for our lives. We ARE all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, and this is where our finding "righteousness in Christ", becomes the faithful promise of Father God in that we discover that it is only through Jesus Christ that we have access into heaven and we can come to Father God through His Son Jesus Christ. When Father looks at us He sees the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ that covers us. Hallelujah!
Shifting gears now-- America's once "Fierce Lion's Roar of warning that America is The Greatest Military Power throughout the world" has now been reduced to a measly, whimpering, nonthreatening "toothless Lion whose roar is a mere kitten with a pitiful meow". This "kitten's Meow " is not necessarily a reflection of the new "open gay/lesbian soldiers". The removal of America's Great and FIERCE LION'S ROAR is a result of the evil and strategic "dentistry" of our President and his "liberal supporters, who have witnessed the extraction of America's Teeth of the LION replaced with a pair of unfitting dentures. Thanks to this being done, "America has become the laughing stock of the world" and it seems Americans, or at least a large number of Liberals and regrettably some Christians, are standing around and doing nothing, But supporting their "Anti-Christ Puppet". Obama is orchestrating the destruction of America-- what country needs an outside threat when, little by little, due to Obama's strategic selling out of America's Sovereignty right under the noses of Americans who smell that something stinketh, but seemingly are anesthetized and aren't willing to collectively rise up and do something about it. Who needs outside terrorists in order to accomplish what America is willingly doing to itself -- imploding ". It doesn't help with the fact that Obama has allowed the borders to be opened and he also continues to provide the arrival of tens of thousands of Syrian Refugees on a continual basis-- passing over and into our once beloved country-- Does anyone else discern that there are many potential terrorists among these groups? Again, something stinketh very bad in what Obama and his minions (the Liberals) call a "Humanitarian Effort". I am all for reaching out to the helpless, homeless and forsaken, but even The Greeks used "The Trojan Horse", a seemingly "gift" to the People of Troy, that sat outside of the gates, and was eventually brought into the City and displayed in the center of their City believing it was a "Symbol of Peace" as a gesture of good faith from The Greeks. (Duly note, the premise of this "gift" became a temporary "Symbol of Peace and hope" that led to the Greeks winning the war between the two nations (Greece and Troy). This "Delusional gift" was in reality, full of an army of the enemy and harbored its evil and strategic plans of attack). This deceptive disguise of attack led to the total annihilation of the people of Troy in war. This victory for the Greeks gave them ownership and the rights to the beautiful seaport of Troy. Sound familiar with America and its infamous seaports that allow the world safe passage into what once was known as "the Greatest and Most Blessed Nation in the World? ( that was until America KICKED GOD OUT AND SAID IT NO LONGER NEEDED HIM! FATHER HAVE MERCY AND MAY WE FALL ON OUR KNEES AND REPENT PEOPLE!). When ALL students in the Middle East look back to the years 2015 and 2016, they will be astonished that no "Gift of a Trojan Horse", was used (or needed) in America and Her demise and obliteration as a nation. ONLY GOD THROUGH PRAYER AND REPENTANCE IS ABLE TO STOP THESE PAGES OF AMERICAN HISTORY FROM BEING WRITTEN!! If not, these same students will share a laugh, at just how easy it was, to enter across the borders of America, without the need for a "Trojan Horse" because those in leadership in America refuse to no longer ensure the safety and security of its people. LET US BE REMINDED THAT THESE SAME LEADERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE MEN AND WOMEN WE ELECT, BY VOTE, TO BE A VOICE" OF THE PEOPLE" AND THEY HAVE BECOME LAX AND MANY ARE BOWING THEIR KNEE TO OBAMA AND, CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ISSUE OF POLITICAL AFFILIATION. The Holy Bible tells ALL BELIEVERS that we ARE TO JUDGE INDIVIDUALS BY THEIR FRUIT. Perhaps this is what I am referring to in the aforementioned phrase that "something stinketh". Rotten fruit -- all that began as healthy and picked from a "Tree of Good Intentions" but is riddled with a "worm of lies and deception" , results in the fruit having a deadly infection that permeates the fruit "from the inside out". Once again, this is a reflective similarly to The Gift of the Trojan Horse and how in its appearance seemed reflective of a gesture of good faith, but in actuality was poisonous "from the inside out" (with the innards of an enemy's permeating and eventual surprise attack - the exposure of rotted fruit resulting in the fulfillment of war and defeat of the innocence and nativity of the people of Troy). This reveals just how extremely ignorant this reality is right now in America.
My beloved, we haven't seen the "dung hit the fan" yet brothers and sisters in Christ. There is so much more to come and we must be "wise as serpents but innocent as doves". This doesn't mean in order to maintain being Christlike, we allow the enemy to step all over us, for this is impossible if we keep him where he belongs-- UNDER OUR FEET! Let us not be overtaken by fear, meekness and a lack of knowing who we ARE IN CHRIST! In Christianity there should be no "Passive-Aggressiveness", but unfortunately there is because most Christians procrastinate in standing up for what is righteous and declaring what God's Word says about the issues America is facing today. Passive-aggressive is defined as one who doesn't do anything until their back is up against the wall. Many Christians today are flying "solo" and living as "self-righteous" "lone survivalists" who refuses to join other Christians who are willing to stand for righteousness only found in Christ and being "Authentic Followers of Christ" and using The Bible as their Standard of Truth-- a holy book that ALL political leaders in Washington and State leadership should follow when addressing the concerns of the people and the American Nation. I realize that ultimately, God IS ON THE THRONE and no matter is happening in this world today, HE IS ORCHESTRATING EVERYTHING IN ACCORDANCE TO WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PREDESTINED! Read your bible (The Book of Revelation clearly indicates what The Man of Perdition will be like. IS OBAMA THIS MAN (The Anti-Christ), or is he "A Puppet of Satan"? And, if he is, could this truth give reason for why he has sold America's Sovereignty with such craftiness; in the likeness of his master, Satan, the same serpent who deceived Eve in "The Garden of Eden". Is America, yet another Apple Satan is using to deceive and destroy this nation"? Great deception continues to saturate the "once blessed land" we call The United States of America. Even in this , it leaves me to question whether or not The U.S.A. Is really "United" as "one nation under God"...and "under what God? -- ALLAH, BUDDAH, or any other "false god" is all really SATAN who is using a different name in all false religions in the world today!
The Statue of Liberty is named after the Greek Goddess known as "Libertas"and the Egyptian Goddess known as "Isis": Both the Greeks and Egyptians acknowledge this "goddess" by different names, but she serves as the Goddess of Prostitution and Sexual Freedom. Is it a coincidence that the United States has embraced so much sexual perversion and happens to be the largest distributor of pornography in the world? Many biblical scholars also believe America is The Mystery Whore of Babylon as mentioned in The Book of Revelation (Chapter 17). This is a whole other topic for a future FB Article. I would highly recommend Perry Stone, Christian Author, Prophet and one of today's leading experts on End-time Prophecy. You can find him on or his program called MannaFest (I believe it may be broadcast on TBN).
And while I am on a political rant, what is up with CNN's latest report that "every American is going to be required to receive "the microchip implant" in 2017? REALLY! I DON'T THINK SO -- AT LEAST NOT THIS CHRISTIAN! Let not any Christian be deceived-- open your eyes to the times we are living In. These are definitely signs of the last days. And yes, I am willing to go as far as to believe the possibility that the military bases that were suddenly closed years back, were for the future efforts to downsize the U.S. Military (which Obama succeeded in doing so during his time in the Office of The Presidency). These same military posts have been renovated, to include the stocking of the commissaries and the PXs. Why? Or an equally fair question to ask is "If so, why now?Could these same "military posts be used as "reassignment or reformation camps" for anyone who may be identified as "a resistant to government dictatorship? (Ie., Christians who are not willing to subject themselves to the "required micro chip in 2017", or resist "the New World Order and/or the COEXIST campaign which would require combining ALL religions into one "religion" (ONE WORLD RELIGION). This would be require Christians to bow their knees to false religion and false gods (ie., Islam). I also don't believe it's a coincidence that outside of each of the Newly Renovated Post are a set of railroad tracks. Does this remind anyone of how Hitler later transported The Jews from one death camp to another? (DACHAU)! Please read about the Holocaust and the murder and slaughter of millions of Jews and Christians (Duly Note: Many of those among the dead were children) during Hitler's reign as leader and dictator of Germany (1942-1945). There was a difference between "concentration camps" and "death camps" in that the concentration camps were designated for German communists, socialists, social democrats, Roma, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, social deviants and those captured during the war (see (List of Nazi Concentration Camps). "Death Camps" (aka "German Extermination Camps) were Hitler's ultimate plan for the genocide of anyone who was considered as "a resistance to the dictatorship of German government" and not part of what he considered to be as part of The Supreme Race. Will America soon repeat history with the genocide of anyone who would resist the American Government Dictatorship (ie., Christians, Jews or anyone who is willing to stand up for America's Constitutional Rights.)?
On to another interesting truth, Christians who refuse to adhere to the injection of the new "micro-chip" program (that will incidentally be justified in that "Everyone's "information" will be readily accessible, thus, giving the impression that this will eliminate lost or stolen medical files, financial records, and other important information. This initially sounds like a program of great progress and advancement of a new world order; but there may be another "advancement" in that the Government (and powers that be) will be able to monitor a person's whereabouts at all times -- like a GPS System" implanted in your body! Sound like some sci-fi movie folks? This is very real -- again, I encourage you to test the spirits and seek wisdom and insight from The Holy Spirit.
To most of society this will represent great progress in a world that is striving in its move into a New World Government". Doesn't this remind you of an evil dictator who persecuted the Jews and now will also persecute the Christians? (Nero, Stalin, Hitler (Obama?).
I know that many (including some Christians), will discard or refuse to embrace things I have shared in this FB Article and this is a chance I take for my willingness to speak TRUTH. Father God is continually looking for His people who will call it like it is! Remember my beloved that it is "Truth that sets the captives free". Am I a paranoid individual who believes that very soon we will see the Genocide of Jews and Christians who will be recognized as a "Great Resistance"; those who are willing to be noncompliant to "the powers that be" for Christ' Sake; and for those who will stand against those who continue to attempt to subdue or silence the very individuals who have always served as the representation of The Lord Jesus Christ (TRUTH), and have boldly and courageously stood up against Satan and his temporary rulership? I pray that I am not standing alone brothers and sisters in Christ! May we ALL be found standing on The Chief Cornerstone (Jesus Christi), being unshakable and unwavering in our faith! "When Jesus returns will He find faith?

I bid all of my beloved family and friends to test the spirits to see if what I have said in this article is just coming from paranoid and uninformed Man of God! May The Holy Spirit reveal this truth and even further truths concerning what is really going on behind the "governmental scenes". May Father OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS! NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO HIDE YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND OR TO BE FOUND IN DEEP SLUMBER! Be aware of what is happening, with some blatant happenings before our eyes right now with some of the "behind the scenes" action, all in preparation for the signs of Marshall Law, due to resistance of illegal unconstitutional "gun control". Father, we Your People pray for divine wisdom, strength, boldness and great Courage in these trying times. Remember Saints, when all is said and done, WE WIN IN JESUS CHRIST! AMEN AND SELAH!

01-16-16 J.

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